CHANGELOG for Advanced Order Export For WooCommerce (Pro)

Version 3.5.3 released on June 6th
  • XLS/PDF formats support AVIF product images
  • Added subscription fields to >Setup Fields>Products (if Woo Subscriptions is active)
  • Added new fields to >Setup Fields>Subscription (if Woo Subscriptions is active)
  • Bug fixed - empty "Custom Fields" dropdown in section "Filter by order" (HPOS mode, big shops only)
  • Spanish language added
Version 3.5.1 released on April 29th
  • Reduced page loading time for stores with a huge number of orders
  • Fixed minor bugs for HPOS mode
  • Bug fixed – mode "Summary Report By Customers" , refunds grouped to ONE line
Version 3.5.0 released on April 8th
  • New field “Origin” (>Setup Fields>Common)
  • XLS format supports .webp product images
  • Bug fixed – some address fields were empty for refunds
  • Fixed some minor bugs
Version 3.4.5 released on January 15th
  • Fixed RCE vulnerability
  • Added subscription fields (Amount paid, Number of renewals, Number of orders)
Version 3.4.4 released on December 5th, 2023
  • Updated SFTP library to phpseclib 3.x
  • Speed up calculation for fields “Customer Total Orders”, “Customer Total Amount” in “Summary report by customers” mode
  • Scheduled jobs log the numbers of exported orders
  • Bug fixed – fatal PHP error when export refunds (HPOS mode)
  • Bug fixed – Filter by order>Custom Fields didn’t work (HPOS mode)
  • Bug fixed - option "Force Quotes" (CSV format) worked incorrectly for mode "Make Separate Files" (Scheduled Jobs)
  • Bug fixed – empty product images exported for XLS/PDF formats if Jetpack was active
Version 3.4.2 released on August 2nd, 2023
  • Fixed some PHP8 warnings for XLS/PDF formats
  • Bug fixed - incorrect dates for range "Last quarter"
  • Bug fixed – missed Bulk Actions in >WooCommerce>Orders (HPOS mode)
  • Bug fixed – option “Do not set a page break between order lines” didn't work properly for PDF
  • Bug fixed – "Client Role" field was empty if the user has multiple role
Version 3.4.1 released on April 13th, 2023
  • Fixed critical bug - all options at tab Settings were ignored
Version 3.4.0 released on April 11th, 2023
  • Support High-Performance order storage (COT)
  • Added field “Customer Paid Orders”
  • Fixed bug - added compatibility code for SendinBlue
  • Fixed bug – only last order logged if "Make separate file for each order" is active
  • Fixed bug – capability “edit_themes ” was not checked when importing JSON configuration via tab Tools
  • Updated phpseclib library
Version 3.3.3 released on October 24th, 2022
  • Fixed CSRF vulnerability
  • Fixed bug - Sendinblue plugin sent emails without attachments
  • Fixed bug - the field "Link to edit order" was empty for scheduled jobs
Version 3.3.2 released on Aug 10th, 2022
  • Fixed XSS vulnerability
Version 3.3.1 released on June 8th, 2022
  • Allow to sort by any field, for XLS/PDF formats only
  • Output summary row, for XLS/PDF formats only
  • Added fields “Phone (Shipping)”, “Currency Symbol”, “Subscription Relationship”
  • Added fields “Qty-Refund”,”Amount-Refund”, “Total Amount (inc. tax)” for “Summary report by products”
  • Fixed bug - button"Save Settings" didn't show errors
  • Updated phpseclib to 3.x (used for SFTP connections)
Version 3.2.2 released on December 20th, 2021
  • Fixed bug - option "Make separate file for each order" worked incorrectly for XLS/PDF formats
  • Fixed bug – PHP8 compatibility issues (deprecation warnings for XLS format)
  • Fixed bug – blank row was added after every 1000 rows (XLS format)
  • Fixed bug – money cells were empty if value = 0 (XLS format)
  • Fixed bug – products were not sorted by Name in summary mode
  • Fixed bug – some files were not deleted in folder /tmp
Version 3.2.1 released on November 16th, 2021
  • New field "Date of original order", if export type = "Order refund"
  • Fixed bug - section "Subscription" were invisible in "Setup Fields"
  • A lot of minor UI tweaks
Version 3.1.9 released on June 29th, 2021
  • Updated code for Zapier gate
  • Fixed bug - Zapier didn't receive subscriptions
  • Fixed bug - button "Test" marked orders as exported
Version 3.1.8 released on March 16th, 2021
  • Allow to use WooCommerce email template as email body, for Status Change jobs only!
  • Option "Apply filters to export via bulk action" (OFF, by default)
  • Option "Show all products/categories in filters" (OFF, by default)
  • Misc UI bugs
Version 3.1.7 released on December 14th, 2020
  • Compatible with WooCommerce 4.8 and WordPress 5.6
  • Fixed bug for exporting refunds
  • New hooks for destinations
Version 3.1.6 released on September 28th, 2020
  • Section "Filter by subscription"
  • Send "Failed jobs" emails for "Status Change" jobs
  • "Email" gate shows BCC & CC emails in logs
  • Fixed bug - "Status Change" job didn't start when order was modified by WooCommerce mobile app
  • Minor UI bugs
Version 3.1.4 released on April 28th, 2020
  • Profiles - can use "Export date range" : today/this week/.. (please, turn this feature on at tab Settings)
  • Profiles - can send orders to destinations : ftp/email/.. (please, turn this feature on at tab Settings)
  • Profiles - can change order status during export
  • Schedules jobs - added action "Run now" to bulk actions
  • Added section "HTML" to tab Settings
  • Updated French translation
  • Minor UI bugs
  • Fixed bug - wrong folders used by temprary files, by Zapier gate
  • Fixed bug - column "Export status" were invisible at tablets
  • Fixed bug - bulk action created empty job if you didn't select any jobs
  • Fixed bug - the plugin sent "job fails" notification if nothing to export
  • Prevent XSS attack (CVE-2020-11727). Thank Jack Misiura​ for reporting this vulnerability!
Version 3.1.1 released on December 4th, 2019
Version 3.0.3 released on September 6th, 2019
  • Export refunds/subscriptions (as separate profiles/jobs)
  • Allow to send separate files in one email
  • Added e-mail alerts for failed scheduled jobs (visit tab >Settings>Failed exports and turn it on)
Version 3.0.1 released on July 24th, 2019
  • New format – HTML
  • Show time in filter "Date Range"(visit tab >Settings>Interface and turn it on)
  • Add checkbox "TLS/SSL mode" to tab "Ftp"
Version 2.1.1 released on Feb 12th, 2019
  • New format – PDF
  • Fixed some vulnerabilities
  • Section “Setup fields” works on phone/tablet