CHANGELOG for Phone Orders for WooCommerce (Pro)
Version 3.9.5 released on February 17th
- Updated "New Customer" and "Edit Address" forms
- Bug fixed - "Quick search" didn't find variations by attribute name
- Bug fixed - button "Configure" shown empty popup (mode "Run at frontend")
- Bug fixed - double quotes (in >Settings>Custom Fields) prevented the plugin from loading
Version 3.9.4 released on December 16th, 2024
- Bug fixed - "Quick search" ignored variations
- Bug fixed - "Quick search" conflicted with option "Filter products by category/tags"
- Bug fixed - "Quick search" tried to download products cache many times
- Bug fixed - PHP error "class 'WC_Phone_Shipping_Method_Custom_Price' not found"
Version 3.9.3 released on December 9th, 2024
- New option "Quick search only by title and SKU" (>Settings>Products), for shops with less than 1000 products only
- New option "Hide variations in search results" (>Settings>Products), only main product will be shown!
- New option "Show shipping methods" (>Settings>Layout), shipping methods can be shown inside the page(not in popup)
- New type "file" supported for order custom fields (>Settings>Custom Fields)
- Bug fixed - links "Back to admin" was printed twice for block-based order
Version 3.9.0 released on May 27th, 2024
- Added selector "fixed/percentage" to popup "Add Fee"
- Added option "Default fee type" (>Settings>Fee)
- Bug fixed - option "No Default Shipping Method" was ignored
- Bug fixed - link "Customer payment page" (inside existing order) didn't login admin, this bug for HPOS mode only
Version 3.8.10 released on March 22nd, 2024
- Critical bug - fees ignored
- Bug fixed - fatal error when checking status of variable product
Version 3.8.9 released on March 21st, 2024
- Critical bug - button "Pay as customer" shown the error, WooCommerce 8.7
- Speed up the plugin a bit, we prevented unnecessary shipping calculations
- Bug fixed - broken UI layout when our pricing plugin is active
Version 3.8.8 released on December 13th, 2023
- Categories/Tags lists are searchable
- Added option "Hide results without house number" (>Settings>Common)
- Bug fixed - incorrect address parsing (autocomplete) for UK
- Bug fixed - unstable work of dropdown "Create customer based on order"
- Updated compatibility with UPS shipping plugins
Version 3.8.7 released on September 25th, 2023
- Updated product search to sort results better
- Added option "Show link "View other orders" for selected customer" (>Settiings>Run at Frontend)
- Bug fixed - broken layout in section "Edit meta"
- Bug fixed - link "Back to admin area." was shown as html, since WooCommerce 8.1
- Bug fixed - if product tag selected in dropdown, search results stayed visible after adding to the cart (in "Barcode scanner" mode)
Version 3.8.6 released on September 5th, 2023
- Added search inside Address book
- Bug fixed - can't save fields at tab >Settings>Custom Fields
- Bug fixed - "Advanced product search" didn't work if "Barcode scanner" mode was active
- Bug fixed - PHP 8.2 deprecation warnings
Version 3.8.5 released on August 14th, 2023
- Fixed critical bug - order amount is 0 when editing an existing order (same error for button "Duplicate Order")
- Fixed bug - additional stock was decreasing when using the "Edit created order" button to update the order
- Fixed bug- added extra slashes for quotes when using "Save new entry" button (if address book is enabled)
Version 3.8.4 released on August 7th, 2023
- Added option "Update customer fields when order fields edited" (>Settings>Custom Fields)
- Fixed bug - popup "Add fee" worked incorrectly in tax mode "Yes, I will enter prices inclusive of tax"
- Fixed bug - option "Don't close popup on click outside" didn't work
Version 3.8.3 released on May 17th, 2023
- Minor UI tweaks
- Fixed bug - button "Get report" didn't work at tab Tools
- Fixed bug - can not edit orders if option "Override button Add Order" was active
- Fixed bug - link "Browse shop and add products to cart" was hidden in mode "Run at frontend"
- Fixed bug - HPOS verification error in WooCommerce 7.0 or earlier
- Support readonly address fields (hook "wpo_edit_address_readonly_fields")
Version 3.8.2 released on April 4th, 2023
- “Products History” popup shows previously purchased products, for selected customer
- Fixed bug - "Edit Order" removed one time coupon
- Fixed bug - "Duplicate Order" didn't set correct status for new order
- Since this version - "checkout" link works only once
Version 3.8.1 released on Jan 30th, 2023
- New option "Don't apply pricing rules" (requires last version of our pricing plugin)
- Addressbook supports option "Show addresses from last XX orders" (>Settings>Customers)
- Fixed bug - button "Create Draft" created an order instead of a draft
Version 3.8.0 released on January 12th, 2023
- Support High-Performance order storage (COT)
- New option "Override button "Add order" in orders list" (>Setting>WooCommerce)
- Fixed bug - expired coupon was removed when editing order
- Fixed bug - item meta can not be deleted from the order when editing it
- Updated compatibility with our Advanced Dynamic Pricing plugin
- Updated compatibility with WooCommerce Subscription
Version 3.7.4 released on November 15th, 2022
- Fixed critical bug - changing item QTY didn't start cart recalculation
Version 3.7.3 released on November 14th, 2022
- New option "Add product to cart immediately" (>Setting>Products) for barcode-scanner mode
- Fixed bug - item meta can't be saved
- Fixed bug - fractional qty input(using keyboard) worked incorrectly
- Fixed bug - "out of stock" product removed from cart when user edit existing order
- Fixed bug - can’t increase qty using arrows if option “Manage stock?” is off
Version 3.7.2 released on October 24th, 2022
- Fixed Sensitive Data Exposure vulnerability
- New option "Hide filter 'Mine' in orders list'"
Version 3.7.1 released on October 18th, 2022
- New option "Set current price for items when edit order"
- Fixed UI bug – field “State” shown as text box when adding new customer
- Fixed bugs when editing orders:
- empty column "Discount"
- wrong order date, for some timezones only
- can not duplicate order if order status was marked as non-editable
- PHP8 fatal error if options "Set current price for items" are active
Version 3.7.0 released on September 15th, 2022
- Migrated to Vue3.js
- New option "Show currency selector" (>Setting>Layout)
- New option "Changing custom fields forces cart update" (>Setting>Custom Fields)
- Updated compatibility with WooCommerce Subscription
- Fixed some minor bugs
Version 3.6.13 released on August 10th, 2022
- New option "When click Create Order" (>Settings>Checkout at frontend)
- UI tweak - modification custom fields recalculates the form
- Fixed bug - popup "Advanced Search" ignored option "Show products as default search result"
- Fixed bug - button "View Invoice" displayed PHP warning
- Fixed bug - some date formats (like d/m/Y) didn't work in Date Picker
- Fixed bug - some phrases can not be translated
Version 3.6.12 released on May 23rd, 2022
- New option "Default discount type" (>Settings>Discount)
- Fixed some bugs for "Edit order" mode
- Fixed bug - fatal php error on cart update when qty = 0 and option "Allow to rename cart items" is on
Version 3.6.11 released on March 31st, 2022
- New option "Create private product" (>Settings>New Product)
- New option "Select optimal shipping method on each cart update" (>Settings>Shipping)
- Fixed bug - coupon adjust costs again when we edit existing order
Version 3.6.10 released on February 16th, 2022
- Fixed critical bug - wrong information was saved about order creator
Version 3.6.9 released on February 11th, 2022
- Fixed critical bug - can't close popup Customer/Address if custom fields used
Version 3.6.8 released on February 9th, 2022
- Removed dropdowns in search inputs, to avoid confusion for new users
- Speeded up cart calculations
- Added tab "Tools", use it if you have to submit support ticket
- Fixed bug - button "Edit in backend" loaded order with wrong prices for cart items
- Don't disable caching plugins by default (added hook wpo_disable_object_cache)
- Enabled "Phone Orders" payment method in backend
Version 3.6.7 released on December 14th, 2021
- New option "Show PRICE input in Advanced Search popup" (>Settings>Products)
- New option "Don't refresh cart when item meta edited" (>Settings>Cart Items)
- Fixed bug - button "Update order" set empty payment method for existing order
- Fixed bug - option "Show discount amount in the order" set wrong item cost and subtotal in the order
Version 3.6.6 released on November 23rd, 2021
- New option "Show QTY input in Advanced Search popup" (>Settings>Products)
- New option "Show product description" (>Settings>Cart Items)
- New option "Show discount amount in the order" (>Settings>Cart Items)
- New option "Show Language field" (>Settings>Customers)
- Hide disabled variations in product search unless option "Sell disabled variation" is ON
- Fixed bug - Total Weight displayed too many decimal places sometimes
- Allow to clear date picker and enter empty dates (in custom fields)
Version 3.6.4 released on October 12th, 2021
- Added option "Show button”Pay" (>Settings>Layout), you should use User Role Editor to give capability pay_for_order
- Added option "Show cart weight" (>Settings>Layout)
- Added options to hide buttons "Send Invoice" and "View Order" (>Settings>Layout)
- Added option "Hide item meta" (>Settings>Cart Items)
- UI tweak - replaced custom icon with standard "edit" icon in >WooCommerce>Orders
- UI tweak - show button "View order" for non-editable orders
- Fixed bug - can't set role for new customer
- Fixed bug - field "user role" was disappeared if you enter different shipping address
- Fixed bug - option "Disable edit meta" removed item meta fields
- Fixed bug - shipping phone showed twice if "Multiple Customer Addresses" plugin active
- Fixed bug - tax added to fee amount, even if we enter amount "with tax" in popup
Version 3.6.3 released on May 24th, 2021
- Added option "Allow to edit coupon name" (>Settings>Discount)
- Fixed bug - payment method was not selected when user loads existing order
- Fixed bug - impossible to edit existing order with 50+ cart items
- Fixed bug - option "Use payment and delivery preferences from last order" didn't ignore refunds
- Fixed bug - popup "Order History" showed broken column "Total"
- Fixed bug - button "Go to Checkout" uses original shipping cost
Version 3.6.2 released on March 31st, 2021
- Green buttons(Go to Cart/Checkout) don't check required fields, to allow guest orders
- Fixed bug - links (generated by button Checkout Link) didn't work
- Fixed bug - button "Edit in backend" added taxes to existing order, even if taxes were disabled
- Fixed bug - "hidden" field was empty when you edit/duplicate existing order
Version 3.6.1 released on March 22th, 2021
- Support PW Gift Card plugin
- Option "Show button 'Payment link'" (>Settings>Checkout at frontend)
- Option "Allow to rename cart items'" (>Settings>Cart Items)
- Allow to hide fields "First Name", "Last Name" in "Customer" popup
- Added link "Edit Phone Order" to tab Log
- Payment method "Phone orders" works in backend
- Fixed bug - can't edit shipping cost if initial cost= 0
- Fixed bug - stock is not updated if user edit existing order
- Fixed bug - item meta lost when user press Goto Checkout or Goto Cart
- Fixed bug - unable to edit a draft
- Fixed bug - draft created wrong order
- Fixed bug - Google autcomple doesn't work if field "Country" was hidden
- Fixed bug - required fields were not checked during order creation
Version 3.5.2 released on December 10th, 2020
- Support subscription fields (Next Payment Date,Schedule,Cost)
- Option "Hide fields" (>Settings>Customer)
- Checkbox "Allow to add products from shop page" (>Settings>Run at frontend)
Version 3.5.1 released on October 6th, 2020
- Compatible with WooCommerce 4.5
- Checkbox "Override "Pay for this order" in the order email"
Version 3.5.0 released on July 22nd, 2020
- Checkbox "Barcode scanner mode"(>Settings>Products)
- Checkbox group "Show product properties" (>Settings>New product)
- Checkbox "Show category selector" (>Settings>New product)
- Dropdown "Checkbox 'Create WooCommerce product'" (>Settings>New product)
- Checkbox "Show Role field" (>Settings>Customers)
- Checkbox "Show order type filter in orders list" (>Settings>WooCommerce)
- New report "Sales By Phone, per user" (>WooCommerce>Reports)
- Option "Show custom fields in X columns" (>Settings>Custom fields)
- Highlight empty custom fields dynamically (even on page load)
Version 3.4.4 released on May 5th, 2020
- Interface settings were divided into 3 tabs: Interface, Layout, Cart Items
- Significantly increased speed of page loading
- Button "Create Draft" is visible after adding product (customer can be empty)
- Checkbox "Seek only in orders created by current user" added to "Find Orders" settings
- Select "Seek only in orders having status" added to "Find Orders" settings
- Button "Checkout link" now shows textbox with link (fixed problem for Safari/FF)
- Fixed bug - totals was not updated when tax exempt is ON
- Fixed bug - mysql errors in product search ("Deep search" mode)
Version 3.4.2 released on March 23rd, 2020
- Compatible with WooCommerce 4.0
- Customer option 'Hide checkbox "Tax exempt"'
- Interface option 'Hide field "Private note"'
- Allow to filter order list by the "Order creator"
- Fixed bug - button "Create draft" didn't show errors
- Fixed bug - can not sale "backordered" products
Version 3.4.0 released on March 3rd, 2020
- Interface option "Show section "Phone Orders" inside order page"
- Interface option "Show button "Mark as paid"
- Interface option "Use interface in English" (regardless to website language)
- Order option "Don't allow to edit orders having status"
- Customer option "Search for customers in last [xxxx] orders, 0 -unlimited"
- Customer option "Email is required"
- Customer option "Update user's first and last name when updating billing information"
- Customer option "Use payment and delivery preferences from last order"
- Customer option "Required fields" (as group of checkboxes)
- Popup "New customer" - option "Create customer based on existing order"
- Dropdown "Address book" shows addresses from past orders
- Product option "Click on title action, in cart"
- Product option "Click on title action, in search results"
- Popup "Create product" - option "Edit created product in new tab"
- Custom fields (added via >Settings>Custom fields) are visible in >Users>Your profile
- Custom field "Shipping Phone" field is visible in >Users>Your profile
- Custom fields - checkbox "Show custom fields in order email"
- Fixed bug for button "Checkout link", the links expired immediately
- The plugin adds own payment method, it's active at frontend for phone orders only
Version 3.3.7 released on November 26th, 2019
- A lot of interface options
- Added tab "WooCommerce" to >Settings
- Subtotals updates even if option "Automatically update Shipping/Taxes/Totals" is off
- Support field VAT Number (turn it on in >Settings>Customers)
Version 3.3.6 released on October 15th, 2019
- Product search updated again(to support partial matches)
- Product variations shown in same order as they are displayed inside the product
Version 3.3.5 released on October 7th, 2019
- Button "Edit order" tries to preserve existing items
- Show column"Order creator" in orders list (>Settings>Interface, default OFF)
- Button "Go to checkout" verifies required custom fields
- Button "Go to checkout" saves customer details before redirect to the checkout page
Version 3.3.4 released on August 23rd, 2019
- Compatible with WooCommerce 3.7
- Added button "Full Refund"
- Added button "Checkout link" (>Settings>Checkout at frontend, default OFF)
- Option "Sell disabled variations" (>Settings>Products, default OFF)
- Fixed some minor UI bugs
Version 3.3.2 released on July 1st, 2019
- Show products as grid of images (>Settings>Products, default ON)
- Show default products in autocomplete (>Settings>Products) - use if you sale just a few products
- Added button "Order history" (>Settings>Run at frontend, default OFF) - non-admin users can check customer orders
Version 3.3.1 released on May 21st, 2019
- Added sorting by relevance (>Settings>Products, default ON)
- Added button "View invoice" (>Settings>interface, default OFF) - useful for non-admin users who can't view created order
- Extra settings for "Ship to a different address" mode (>Settings>interface, default OFF)
- Checkbox "Use Shipping Phone" (>Settings>Customers, default OFF) - non-standard field! we only fills post_meta
- Checkbox "Hide "Add coupon" (>Settings>Coupons, default OFF)
- Custom fields support "value=title" pairs