November 15, 2023 · 5 minutes read

Phone Orders vs Online Ordering: Finding the Perfect Balance for Your WooCommerce Store

What is better Phone Orders or Online Ordering?

When it comes to choosing between phone orders or online ordering for your business, there is no one-size-fits-all answer. Both options have benefits and drawbacks that must be weighed depending on the goals and needs of your business.

Phone Orders

Phone orders are a great option for those who prefer to speak directly to a customer service representative. This gives your customers the chance to ask questions, make sure they understand the product they’re ordering, and find out more about the product before they make their purchase. Additionally, phone orders are great for customers who are uncomfortable with online shopping, or who may have difficulty using a computer or navigating websites.

However, phone orders can also be time-consuming and difficult to manage. You’ll need to have staff available to take calls, and you may find that orders take longer to process. Additionally, you’ll likely need to record and store all orders manually, which can be a hassle.

Online Ordering

Online ordering is a great way to streamline the ordering process and make it easier for your customers to purchase from your store. Customers can easily browse through your products, add items to their cart, and then check out quickly and easily. Additionally, online ordering has the potential to reach a wider audience, as customers can access your store from anywhere with an internet connection.

However, online ordering may not be the best option for customers who are unfamiliar with computers or who may not feel comfortable using a website. Additionally, online ordering may require more work on your part to ensure a secure and efficient checkout process.

Here’s a summary table of all the advantages and disadvantages of both methods:

Criteria Online Ordering Phone Orders
Fit every customer? +
Don’t necessary to train staff? +
Improve customer satisfaction? +
Reach a wider audience? +
Fast ordering process? + +

How to Find the Perfect Balance Between Phone Orders and Online Ordering

The key to finding the perfect balance between phone orders and online orders is to make sure that both are available for customers.

Here are some tips to help you do just that:

  1. Offer Multiple Payment Options: Make sure you offer multiple payment options to your customers. This way, customers can choose the option that works best for them. Many customers will prefer to pay with their credit cards online, but you should also accept payments via phone, such as PayPal or Venmo.
  2. Make the Online Ordering Process Easy and Secure: Make sure your online ordering process is as easy and secure as possible. Make sure the checkout page is intuitive and that you are using secure payment processing.
  3. Provide Clear Instructions: When it comes to phone orders, make sure you provide clear instructions to your customers. Let them know what information they need to provide and clearly explain any additional fees or taxes that may apply.
  4. Train Your Staff: Train your staff to take phone orders as well as handle customer inquiries. Make sure they are knowledgeable about the products and can answer any questions a customer may have.
  5. Monitor Your System: Monitor your system to make sure it is running smoothly and that any orders are processed quickly.

Ultimately, it’s important to keep in mind that both phone orders and online ordering have their own advantages and disadvantages, so it’s important to find the perfect balance that will work best for your WooCommerce store. This will help ensure that your customers have an easy and efficient buying experience, no matter how they choose to order.

You have an online store, but would like to receive orders by phone

If you are an online store owner who is looking for ways to expand your business, taking orders by phone can be a great way to do just that.

There are a few steps you should take to ensure that you can effectively manage phone orders.

The first step is to set up a toll-free number where customers can call and place orders. This gives customers the convenience of not having to pay for the call and it also makes it easier for them to remember the number. Then, you will need a customer service representative to answer the phone and take the orders.

To make it easier for customers to place orders over the phone, you should create a script that customer service representatives can use. The script should include all of the information that is needed to place an order. This includes the customer’s name, address, contact information, and payment information. The script should also include any special instructions or questions that the customer may have.

Finally, you should provide customers with a way to track their orders. This can be done by providing customers with a confirmation number or by sending them an email with tracking information. This will make it easier for customers to track their orders and make sure that they arrive on time.

Do you think it is difficult to provide all these points? Just install Phone Orders for WooCommerce plugin!

Phone Orders for WooCommerce not only allows you to enter information about the customer, his order and payment details. Also with it you can:

  • configure default client, state, country
  • set the default product in the cart
  • set default coupon
  • choose the fields that need to be filled in the contact information
  • duplicate order
  • send an invoice
  • create your custom field
  • and others

Start using Phone Orders for WooCommerce today and take control of your WooCommerce store’s orders!