Integrating Advanced Order Export with Third-Party Applications: Best Practices

The use of third-party applications has become increasingly popular among businesses looking to streamline their operations and improve efficiency. From accounting software to customer relationship management tools, these applications offer a wide range of features that can benefit a business in various ways.

One of the key areas where third-party applications can be particularly useful is in order management. With the rise of e-commerce and online shopping, businesses need to have a robust order management system in place to handle the increasing volume of orders. This is where integrating Advanced Order Export for WooCommerce with third-party applications can be a game-changer.

What is Advanced Order Export?

Advanced Order Export for WooCommerce allows businesses to export their order data in a customizable format. This can include order details such as customer information, product details, shipping information, payment information and etc. This data can then be transferred to third-party applications for further processing.

Integrating Advanced Order Export with Third-Party Applications: The Benefits

  1. Streamlined Order Management Process

Integrating Advanced Order Export for WooCommerce with third-party applications can streamline the order management process. Instead of manually entering order data into different systems, businesses can automatically transfer the data to the third-party application. This eliminates the chances of human error and saves time, allowing businesses to focus on other important tasks.

  1. Improved Efficiency

By automating the transfer of order data, businesses can improve their efficiency. This is because orders can be processed and fulfilled faster, reducing the time it takes for a customer to receive their order. This can lead to increased customer satisfaction and repeat business.

  1. Real-Time Data Synchronization

Integrating Advanced Order Export for WooCommerce with third-party applications allows for real-time data synchronization. This means that any changes made to an order, such as updates to shipping information or product quantities, will be reflected in both the order management system and the third-party application. This ensures that all systems have the most up-to-date information, reducing the chances of errors or delays.

Best Practices for Integrating Advanced Order Export with Third-Party Applications

Integrating Advanced Order Export for WooCommerce with third-party applications can be a complex task and requires careful planning and implementation. One of the key factors to consider when integrating these systems is compatibility. It is essential to ensure that the order export system and the third-party applications are compatible and can communicate effectively with each other.

Note: You can find a complete list of compatible plugins by following this link.


Tickera is a popular WordPress plugin that is used by event organizers to sell tickets online. It is a comprehensive and user-friendly solution for managing ticket sales and registrations for events of any size. The plugin integrates seamlessly with any WordPress theme, making it easy for event organizers to create a professional-looking and customizable ticketing system.

An example of a simple event template with the ability to buy a ticket online.

Integrating Tickera with Advanced Order Export For WooCommerce is a straightforward process. You can follow these steps to set it up:

  1. Buy Bridge for WooCommerce. You won’t be able to export tickets until they become a WooCommerce product. Our plugin only works with WooCommerce.

Note: The ticket creation process will be different with this add-on. Read about it here.

  1. Paste the following code into a snippet, for example using the Code Snippets plugin.
add_filter('woe_get_order_product_fields',function ($fields) {
	$fields['event_name'] = array('label'=>'Event Name','colname'=>'Event Name','checked'=>1);
	$fields['event_start_at'] = array('label'=>'Event Start','colname'=>'Event Start','checked'=>1);
	$fields['event_end_at'] = array('label'=>'Event End','colname'=>'Event End','checked'=>1);
	$fields['event_location'] = array('label'=>'Event Location','colname'=>'Event Location','checked'=>1);
	$fields['ticket_type'] = array('label'=>'Ticket Type','colname'=>'Ticket Type','checked'=>1);
	$fields['ticket_owner'] = array('label'=>'Ticket Owner Name','colname'=>'Ticket Owner Name','checked'=>1);
	$fields['ticket_owner_first'] = array('label'=>'Ticket Owner First Name','colname'=>'Ticket Owner First Name','checked'=>1);
	$fields['ticket_owner_last'] = array('label'=>'Ticket Owner Last Name','colname'=>'Ticket Owner Last Name','checked'=>1);
	$fields['ticket_email'] = array('label'=>'Ticket Owner Email','colname'=>'Ticket Owner Email','checked'=>1);
	$fields['ticket_code'] = array('label'=>'Ticket Code','colname'=>'Ticket Code','checked'=>1);
	// get form  fields 
	$args = array(
		'post_type'              => 'tc_form_fields',
		'post_status'            => 'publish',
		'posts_per_page'         => -1,
		'no_found_rows'          => true,
		'update_post_term_cache' => false,
		'update_post_meta_cache' => false,
		'cache_results'          => false,
		'fields'                 => array( 'ID', 'post_parent' ),
	$custom_fields = get_posts( $args );
	if ( count( $custom_fields ) > 0 ) {
		foreach ( $custom_fields as $custom_field ) {
			$form_status = get_post_status( $custom_field->post_parent );
		    $form_title = get_the_title( $custom_field->post_parent );
			if ( $form_status == 'publish' ) {
				$element_class_name = get_post_meta( $custom_field->ID, 'field_type', true );
				$form_type = get_post_meta( $custom_field->post_parent, 'form_type', true );
				if ( class_exists( $element_class_name ) ) {
					$element = new $element_class_name( $custom_field->ID );
					if ( $element->standard_field_export( $element->element_name, true ) ) {
						$field = $element->admin_order_details_page_value();
						// add new field 
						$fields['ticket_CF_' . $field['id'] ] = array('label'=>"[$form_title] " . $field['field_title'],'colname'=>"[$form_title] " . $field['field_title'],'checked'=>1);
					}// if can be exported 
		} // if visible 
	}	// if fields 
	return $fields;

add_filter('woe_fetch_order_products', function ($data, $order, $labels, $format, $static_vals ) {
    $ticket_field_names = array("event_name","event_start_at","event_end_at","event_location","ticket_type","ticket_owner","ticket_email","ticket_code");
	$first_row = array_shift(array_values($data));
    //run only if Tickera fields was added to export
    $has_ticket_columns = false;
    foreach($first_row as $key=>$value) {
		if( in_array($key,$ticket_field_names) OR preg_match('#^ticket_CF_(.+)$#',$key,$field_key) ) {
		  $has_ticket_columns = true;
    if( !$has_ticket_columns )
	   return $data;
	$new_data = array();
	$used_keys = array();
	$args = array(
		'posts_per_page' => -1,
		'orderby' => 'post_date',
		'order' => 'ASC',
		'post_type' => 'tc_tickets_instances',
		'post_parent' => $order->get_id(),
	$tickets = get_posts($args);
	foreach($tickets  as $pos=>$ticket) {
		//fill ticket data	
		$ticket_type_id = get_post_meta($ticket->ID, 'ticket_type_id', true);// it's a product_id !!!
		if( $ticket_type_id )  {
			$ticket_type = new TC_Ticket($ticket_type_id);
			if( $ticket_type  ) {
				// must find Item ID of main product
				foreach($order->get_items() as $item_id=>$item) {
					if( $item['product_id'] == $ticket_type_id OR  $item['variation_id'] AND $item['variation_id'] == $ticket_type_id) {
						$new_row = $data[$item_id];
						$used_keys[] = $item_id;
				$event_id = $ticket_type->get_ticket_event();
				$event = get_post($event_id, ARRAY_A);
				//gather details 
				$t_data = array();
				$t_data['event_name']	=  $event['post_title'];
				$t_data['event_start_at']	=  get_post_meta( $event_id , 'event_date_time', true);
				$t_data['event_end_at']	=  get_post_meta( $event_id , 'event_end_date_time', true);
				$t_data['event_location']	=  get_post_meta( $event_id , 'event_location', true);
				$t_data['ticket_type']	=  $ticket_type->details->post_title;
				$t_data['ticket_owner']	=  get_post_meta($ticket->ID, 'first_name', true) ." " .get_post_meta($ticket->ID, 'last_name', true); 
				$t_data['ticket_owner_first']	=  get_post_meta($ticket->ID, 'first_name', true); 
				$t_data['ticket_owner_last']	=  get_post_meta($ticket->ID, 'last_name', true); 
				$t_data['ticket_email']	=  get_post_meta($ticket->ID, 'owner_email', true); 
				$t_data['ticket_code']	=  get_post_meta($ticket->ID, 'ticket_code', true);
				//fill only selected Tickera fields 
				foreach($t_data as $key=>$value)
					if( isset($first_row[$key]))
						$new_row[$key] = $value;
				//	try to get Custom Form fields 	
				foreach($first_row as $key=>$value) {
					if( preg_match('#^ticket_CF_(.+)$#',$key,$field_key) )
						$new_row[$key] = get_post_meta($ticket->ID, $field_key[1], true);
				$new_data[] = $new_row;
	// export items which have NO tickets!
	foreach($data as $key=>$row)
		if( !in_array($key, $used_keys) )
			$new_data[] = $row;
	return $new_data;
  1. Customize your report. We wrote about this in articles and. Without going into details, you can leave all the default settings and choose your desired export format.

The result of integration of Tickera and Advanced Order Export for WooCommerce (fields are customized).

Extra Product Options for WooCommerce by Themehigh

With Extra Product Options for WooCommerce, store owners can create custom fields for their products, such as text fields, drop-down menus, checkboxes, and more. This allows customers to add additional information, such as engraving details or color preferences, to their orders. However, when it comes to exporting these orders, the default WooCommerce export feature does not include the custom product options. This can be a major issue for businesses that rely on these options for their products. By integrating with Advanced Order Export For WooCommerce, store owners can export orders with all the custom product options included.

In an example, the option to select gift wrapping is already available on the product page. Thus, the customer does not need to look for it.

Using Advanced Order Export For WooCommerce integration, we can track how often customers add Gift wrapping to an order. This can be useful in making decisions regarding a product: Should the price be increased or decreased? or remove Gift wrapping altogether?

As with Tickera, you need to paste the following code into the snippet.

Note: I use code “all options as ONE row”. There are also codes “each option as column” and “each option as separate row”.

// add all options to SINGLE  product row
class WOE_add_TM_cols{
	var $tm_cols = array( 'pos','name','value','price','quantity', 'name_value'); 
	function __construct() {
		add_filter('woe_get_order_product_fields',array($this,'add_product_fields') );
		add_filter('woe_fetch_order_products', array($this,'fill_tm_cols') ,10, 5);
	function add_product_fields($fields) {
		foreach($this->tm_cols as $tm_col) {
			$fields['tm_field_'.$tm_col] = array('label'=>'TM '.$tm_col,'colname'=>'TM '.$tm_col,'checked'=>1);
		return $fields;
	function fill_tm_cols($products, $order, $labels, $format,$static_vals) {
		$new_products = array();
		foreach( $products as $item_id=>$product) {
			$item_meta = get_metadata( 'order_item', $item_id );
			$pos = 1; 
			if( isset($item_meta["_tmcartepo_data"])   AND  is_array($tmfields = maybe_unserialize($item_meta["_tmcartepo_data"][0]))  ) {
				$new_product = $product;
				foreach($tmfields as $tm_field) {
					$tm_field['pos']= $pos++;//set fake field
					$tm_field['name_value'] = $tm_field['name'] . ':' .$tm_field['value'];
					// fill TM columns 
					foreach($this->tm_cols as $tm_col) {
						if( !isset($new_product['tm_field_'.$tm_col])) continue;
						if( !empty($new_product['tm_field_'.$tm_col]))
							$new_product['tm_field_'.$tm_col] .= ", " .$tm_field[$tm_col];
							$new_product['tm_field_'.$tm_col] = $tm_field[$tm_col];
				//don't add each option as new product!
				$new_products[] = $new_product;
			if( isset($item_meta["_tmcartfee_data"])   AND  is_array($tmfields = maybe_unserialize($item_meta["_tmcartfee_data"][0]))  ) {
				$new_product = $product;
				foreach($tmfields[0] as $tm_field) {
					$tm_field['pos']= $pos++;//set fake field
					$tm_field['name_value'] = $tm_field['name'] . ':' .$tm_field['value'];
					// fill TM columns 
					foreach($this->tm_cols as $tm_col) {
						if( !isset($new_product['tm_field_'.$tm_col])) continue;
						if( !empty($new_product['tm_field_'.$tm_col]))
							$new_product['tm_field_'.$tm_col] .= ", " .$tm_field[$tm_col];
							$new_product['tm_field_'.$tm_col] = $tm_field[$tm_col];
				//don't add each option as new product!
				$new_products[] = $new_product;
			if($pos==1) //nothing added - just copy product as is 
				$new_products[] = $product;
		return $new_products;
new WOE_add_TM_cols();

Then generate a report.

Shipping Multiple Addresses

Shipping multiple addresses has become an essential plugin for e-commerce businesses, as it allows customers to ship their purchases to multiple locations with ease. This is especially useful for customers who may want to send gifts to multiple recipients or for businesses that need to fulfill orders to different addresses. Integrating this plugin with Advanced Order Export for WooCommerce takes the shipping process to the next level.

First, let’s clarify how to configure the Shipping multiple addresses plugin. After installation and activation, you will find the new “Multiple Customer Addresses Options” tab. There you need to enable the “Shipping per product” option (located at the very end of the page). After which the buyer will be able to select different shipping or billing addresses for each product at the Checkout page.

As with previous plugins, paste the following code:

//this code adds shipping information for each product
class WOE_add_product_shipping{
	var $qty_shipping, $default_address ;
	function __construct() {
		//add fields to export
		add_filter('woe_get_order_product_fields', array($this,'add_shipping_fields'), 10, 2);
		//remember QTY+Address for each prodct
		add_filter('woe_order_export_started',array($this,'fetch_product_shipping'), 10, 1);
		// rebuild product list based on shipping packages
		add_filter('woe_fetch_order_products',array($this,'rebuild_products_shipping'), 10, 5);
	function add_shipping_fields($fields,$format) {
		$names = array('first_name','last_name','full_name','company','country','address_1','address_2','city','state','postcode','note');
		foreach($names as $f) {
			$fields['shipping_'.$f] = array('label'=>"Product Shipping ".$f,'checked' => 1, 'colname'=>"Product Shipping ".$f);
		return $fields;

	function fetch_product_shipping($order_id){
		$this->qty_shipping = array();
		$shipping_packages = get_post_meta($order_id, '_wcms_packages', true );
		if( !is_array($shipping_packages) )
			$shipping_packages = array();
		foreach($shipping_packages  as $pack) {
			$addr = $pack['destination'];
			foreach($pack["contents"] as $item) {
				$key = $item['cart_key'];
				$addr['full_name'] = trim($addr['first_name'] . " " . $addr['last_name']); // new field
				$addr['note'] = isset($pack['note']) ? $pack['note'] : '';
				if( !isset($this->qty_shipping[$key]) )
					$this->qty_shipping[$key] = array();
				$this->qty_shipping[$key][] = array("qty"=>$item['quantity'],"address"=>$addr);
		//if no pack!
		$order = new WC_Order($order_id);
		$this->default_address = array();
		$names = array('first_name','last_name','company','country','address_1','address_2','city','state','postcode');
		foreach($names as $field)
	                $this->default_address[$field] = $order->{"get_shipping_".$field}();
		$this->default_address['full_name'] = trim($this->default_address['first_name'] . " " . $this->default_address['last_name']); // new field
		$this->default_address['note'] = $order->get_customer_note();
		return $order_id;

	function rebuild_products_shipping($products, $order, $labels, $format, $static) { 
		$new_products = array();
		foreach( $products as $item_id=>$row) {
			$item = $order->get_item($item_id);
			$key = $item['_wcms_cart_key'];
			if( !isset($this->qty_shipping[$key])) { // not multishipping package!
				$this->qty_shipping[$key] = array( array("qty"=>$item['qty'], 'address'=>$this->default_address) );
			foreach($this->qty_shipping[$key]  as $new_row) {
				if( isset($row['qty']) )
					$row['qty'] = $new_row['qty'];
				if( isset($row['qty_minus_refund']) )
					$row['qty_minus_refund'] = $new_row['qty'];
				foreach($new_row['address'] as $k=>$v) {
					$k = 'shipping_'.$k;
					if( isset($row[$k]) )
						$row[$k] = $v; 
				$new_products[]= $row;
		return $new_products;

new WOE_add_product_shipping();

Generating the report will be more difficult this time. You need to create the fields required for the report by clicking on the “Add field” button in the “Product order items” tab in the “Set up fields to export” section. Find and add the following fields as in the screenshot.

Note: Learn more about how to use the “Add field”, “Add static field” and “Add calculated field” buttons.

To get this result.

Ultimately, integrating of Advanced Order Export for WooCommerce with third-party applications can bring numerous benefits to companies. It saves time, reduces errors, and provides a comprehensive overview of all orders. This not only improves the efficiency of the business but also enhances the overall customer experience, making it a valuable tool for any e-commerce store.

Mastering Inventory Management: How Advanced Order Export for WooCommerce Can Help Your Business Thrive

Cash is king in any business, including manufacturing. As we all know, inventory management is vital in lean manufacturing. Therefore, minimizing “working capital”— cash tied up in physical assets— should be a priority for any manufacturer looking to optimize efficiency and cash flow.

It goes without saying that any company must ensure that these inventories do not run out, with the risk of missing an order deadline, unhappy customers and associated reputational damage.

On the other hand, ensuring there is sufficient inventory should not mean that there will be so much of it on site that cash flow will be negatively impacted, or that products will die or become obsolete before they are used. This is especially true for companies seeking to adhere to lean manufacturing principles.

Why Does Inventory Management Matter?

Good inventory management planning is essential for the growth and development of any company. Without a good management system, there may be shortages of products or items that are in stock for a long time. Both cases entail financial losses for the company. Through effective inventory management, a company will always have the materials it needs to produce goods and serve customers. It will also be able to maintain the quality of its products and delivery times.

An inventory management system simplifies and automates company processes. Find out more about the main advantages of this technology:

  • Sector integration

Process automation allows you to integrate all sectors of the company. This is because the solution records the products supplied by the supplier and indicates that they are already in stock. When there is a problem with a product, this is also recorded by the system, which generates a notification. It helps track sales and also provides data for the financial sector. At the same time, all processes are centralized, which reduces the number of errors when calculating taxes.

  • Purchase Forecast

Another benefit of having an inventory and storage management system is the ability to forecast purchase needs. The manager can set minimum and maximum inventory limits so that the system can track and notify when you need to be restocked an item. This helps in decision making and tracking the number of sales of each product. An example of a report is a report that identifies the products that are most relevant to a business in terms of sales volume and resulting profitability.

  • Price Analysis

The monitoring that this technology performs also allows you to analyze production costs. This is because the manager has the information needed to estimate the cost of raw materials, the time they remain in stock, the period required to produce the product, and wastage rates.

The system can have profit estimates for each product, which enhances the ability to make better decisions for business success. In this way, the need to change processes to provide greater flexibility and efficiency can be identified.

Best Inventory Management Practices

The need to manage inventory to save money has led to the emergence of many models and methods. The most famous include the following:

  • Wilson’s model. It is considered the simplest because it does not involve the presence of uncertainties. The model allows you to determine the optimal level of reserves for the entire assortment, the criteria being the level of demand, placement costs and storage costs. It involves replenishing the warehouse at a certain frequency, in identical batches. The formula is suitable for companies producing products with stable demand, when the risk of unforeseen situations is practically absent.
  • Just-in-Time model. It implies the delivery of raw materials and materials just in time, that is, exactly at the moment when they are needed on the production line, and in the quantity that is needed at the time of delivery. To reduce costs, the model practically eliminates the presence of a reserve in the warehouse, but when using it, the enterprise’s dependence on suppliers increases. Any supply disruptions can lead to shortages of raw materials and forced equipment downtime.
  • ABC model. It consists of distributing reserves into three groups based on the method of volume-cost analysis. Category A includes stocks that are necessary for the most expensive products with a long use cycle. They account for the majority of the funds, so strict control is carried out on group A, and the required volume and costs are accurately determined. Group B includes raw materials and supplies for mid-price products. Category C is the cheapest inventory with high turnover and minimal markup.

What makes inventory management so difficult for most people is that there is no one right way to do it. The inventory management model that an enterprise uses must first of all take into account the specifics of a particular production. There is no single universal algorithm for everyone.

Ready-made Solutions in Advanced Order Export for WooCommerce

Fortunately, there are ready-made solutions available that can help companies master their inventory management. Advanced Order Export for WooCommerce is one such solution that can simplify the process and help businesses better manage their inventory.

With Advanced Order Export for WooCommerce, businesses can automatically export orders from their sales channels, such as ecommerce stores, marketplaces, and POS systems, to their inventory management system. This eliminates the need for manual data entry and reduces the risk of errors. It also allows businesses to have real-time visibility into their inventory levels, enabling them to make better decisions about stock levels.

We have prepared 3 ready-made solutions for you that will help you optimize your order management process:

Note: All reports have a checkbox Summary Report By Products. This is an important setting — it allows you to take overall statistics for the product.

Automatic scheduled summary by products CSV report, the destination of which is email.

First of all, we set up the Export Now tab. We leave the Filter orders by — Order Date. We leave the date range as default, so data for the entire time will be exported. If you want to export by specific order numbers, then specify a range of orders. The export file name can be customized by tags. Using them, for example, you can get the current date in the name of the report. You can view the tags using the link next to the file name or here. Let’s select the information with what status will be uploaded. Choose Completed.

Let’s select the CSV file format. The settings can be left as default.

When you clicked the Summary Report By Products checkbox, the report automatically changed the fields to the appropriate ones:

Let’s add other fields to them:

Save your settings and export this report:

Click on the Save as profile button. Go to Profiles. Click on the clock button in the line with this report to add it to your scheduled ones.

Click OK in the pop-up window.

In the new tab, give your profile a name.

Select the exported date of the report. For example:

  • Every week
  • Only on Sundays
  • Once a day

In our case, this is December 1 at 7 am.

Let’s set up the directory. Select Email. Enter data in the following fields: From email, Email Subject, Recipients.

Click the Test button. If the submission is successful, you will see the following message:

File ‘Automatic scheduled summary by products CSV report.pdf’ has sent to ‘[email protected]

Save your settings.

Automatic status change summary by products XLS report, the destination of which is Zapier (Google Docs).

We set up the second report in the same way as the first report. Select XLS format.

All the data is the same, so we won’t export the report.

When the Export Now is ready, save it as a profile. Let’s go to Profiles. Click on the button that looks like an arrow pointing to the right so that the report is uploaded when the status changes.

Click OK in the pop-up window.

In the new tab, give your profile a name.

Set the From status: Pending payment, Processing, On hold.

Status To: Completed.

Let’s set up a destination. Select Zapier.

Note: feel free to read about how to connect job with Zapier here.

If Zapier is connected, then next to the job you will see the following text:

Connected to Zapier

Save your settings.

Automatic scheduled summary by products HTML report, the destination of which is directory.

We set up the third report in the same way as the first report. Select HTML format.

All the data is the same, so we won’t export the report.

Click on the Save as profile button. Go to Profiles. Click on the clock button in the line with this report to add it to your scheduled ones.

Click OK in the pop-up window.

In the new tab, give your profile a name.

Select the date of the report. In our case, this is every Monday at 6 am.

The destination this time is the directory. You can leave it as default and find the reports in the folder with your site.

That’s it! Use Advanced Order Export for WooCommerce settings and save your time and effort.

Implementing inventory management isn’t just a good idea – it’s vital to business continuity and profitability, and proven trading technology provides a solution no matter the size of your business or the sector in which it operates.

Top 5 export/import plugins for WooCommerce


If you’re looking to simplify the process of exporting or importing data from your WooCommerce store, then you’ll be glad to know there are a number of great plugins available to help make your life easier. From CSV to XML, there is a plugin to help you manage your data without any hassle.

Here’s a list of the top 5 export/import plugins that can help speed up the process and make your life easier.

  1. Advanced Order Export for WooCommerce
  2. Import Products from any XML or CSV to WooCommerce
  3. Product CSV Importer and Exporter
  4. Import Export Suite for WooCommerce
  5. WooCommerce — Store Exporter

Advanced Order Export for WooCommerce

Advanced Order Export is a powerful plugin for WooCommerce that allows merchants to quickly and easily export orders to their internal systems. With Advanced Order Export, merchants can download orders in a variety of formats, such as CSV, PDF, XML and other. Advanced Order Export also allows merchants to customize their exports by specifying which fields and values they want to include. In addition, the plugin gives you to configure a report schedule, save profile settings, and automatically upload reports when the order status changes.


  • Save your setting in Profiles
  • Create schedule for reports
  • Set up destination block
  • Add custom fields
  • Support status changes job
  • Free support


  • No

There are free and paid (from $30) versions.

Import Products from any XML or CSV to WooCommerce

WP All Import is a WordPress plugin that allows you to easily import any XML or CSV file into WordPress. It has a drag & drop interface for mapping the data, and the ability to create custom data transformations, allowing you to manipulate data from the file before importing. WP All Import also supports cron-based scheduled imports, giving you the ability to keep your data up-to-date.


  • Import Grouped products
  • Import files from a URL
  • Cron Job/Recurring Imports
  • Execution of Custom PHP Functions on data


  • No option to import in PDF, JSON, TSV and HTML formats

There are free and paid ($299) versions.

Woo Import Export by vjinfotech

Woo Import Export by vjinfotech is comprehensive and efficient plugin available for WordPress users to import and export data. With this plugin, you can easily customize the output format, such as CSV, Excel, and XML. You can also set up automated export schedules, and select the exact fields you want to export. The plugin also provides advanced features such as mapping fields, auto-matching, and previewing the data before import.


  • Scheduled import & export
  • Filter available for import & export
  • Drag & Drop Field mapping
  • Multiple Format support for import export


  • Paid support
  • Expensive price

There is a paid ($159) version.

Import Export Suite for WooCommerce

Import Export Suite for WooCommerce is a comprehensive solution for importing and exporting products, orders, and customers to and from WooCommerce. The suite also includes the ability to map data fields, set default values, and use filters to customize the import process. Additionally, the suite includes features for managing product categories and tags, bulk editing of products, and more.


  • Bulk Edit or Modify WooCommerce Data During Import
  • Schedule Automatic Import/Export Actions
  • Multiple Methods for Convenient Data Migration
  • Various filters enable the custom export of data


  • No option to import in PDF, JSON, TSV and HTML formats

There are free and paid ($129) versions.

WooCommerce — Store Exporter

WooCommerce — Store Exporter plugin is the perfect tool for anyone who needs to export their WooCommerce store data to a range of different file formats. This plugin allows users to quickly and easily create product, category, customer, and order exports in formats such as CSV, XML, and JSON. This plugin also offers additional features such as the ability to split exports into multiple files and the ability to filter data.


  • Export products, orders, customers, coupons
  • Provides significant filtration capabilities
  • Allows flexible output formats including CSV, Excel and XML
  • Schedule an export


  • Poor support service
  • Limited functionality of the free version

There are free and paid ($199) versions.


These plugins make it easy to export and import data from and to your website, saving you time and effort. Give them a try and see how they can help you manage your data better.

User Role Reports in Advanced Order Export


In today’s digital landscape, understanding user behavior is crucial for businesses to optimize their online presence. With the Advanced Order Export plugin, you can generate comprehensive reports that break down orders by user role, providing valuable insights into how users interact with your website and the actions they take. In this blog post, we will explore the benefits of creating User Role Reports and how they can help improve the overall user experience.

Why User Role Reports Matter

User Role Reports offer a deeper understanding of user interactions on your site. By categorizing orders based on user roles such as admin, customer, wholesaler, and others, you gain insights into how different types of users engage with your products or services. This knowledge allows you to identify potential areas for improvement and make data-driven decisions to enhance the user experience.

By analyzing User Role Reports, you can uncover valuable patterns in user behavior. For example, you may discover that wholesalers tend to place larger orders or that administrators frequently access specific sections of your site. These insights can help you tailor your website’s design, content, and functionality to better serve the needs of each user role, ultimately leading to higher customer satisfaction and increased conversions.

Getting Started with User Role Reports

Note: We wrote about how to set up a report in this article. Watch it before continuing reading.

Creating a User Role Report is straightforward with Advanced Order Export. Simply follow these steps:

  1. Click on Filter by customer.

  1. Choose, for example, Wholesaler Customer.

  1. Set up fields to export.

  1. Generate the report and analyze the data to gain valuable insights into user behavior.


User Role Reports provided by Advanced Order Export offer a powerful tool for understanding user behavior on your website. By breaking down orders by user role, you can gain valuable insights into user interactions, identify areas for improvement, and optimize the user experience. Take advantage of this plugin and unlock the potential of your user data!