Barcode scanning in Phone Orders


Black Friday is a quite busy time! To serve your phone orders even faster on this hot day, use bar code scanner mode. This mode allows you to scan the bar code of any item you wish to purchase, and it automatically adds the item to the customer’s order. The ability to connect a scanning device helps to optimize and reduce service time for each client.

Prepare in advance for the holiday and enable this mode!

Note: this feature is available in the pro version.

How to activate bar code scanner mode

All you have to do is buy a scanner, connect it to your computer and activate the bar code scanner mode:

  1. You simply need to go to the Phone Orders tab in the WooCommerce settings.
  1. Next go to the Settings>Products.
  1. Tick the barcode scanner mode.

How to use bar code scanner mode

After you have activated the mode, the following message will appear on the order creation page:

Barcode mode enabled! Product search works only after pressing the Enter key

Let’s try to find a product.

  1. Scan the barcode. The product will immediately appear in the drop-down list.
  1. Let’s click on it. The product is added to the order.

Can’t scan barcode: reasons

If you are unable to scan an item, it may be due to the following common reasons:

  • Unsuitable conditions: insufficient lighting, too far from the scanning module to the barcode, incorrect position of the reader relative to the graphic image.
  • Device malfunction: phone camera or scanner. You need to make sure there are no scratches or other damage to the glass of the module. Dirt such as stains and fingerprints can be removed with a degreaser. If you cannot solve the problem yourself, you need to contact a service center.
  • The problem with the barcode. Not all devices can read low-quality images (insufficient contrast, blurred, with printing defects). Much depends on the type of scanning module. For example, some are “tailored” to reading small identifiers, while others cannot recognize even large ones if they are poorly printed.

If the problem still persists, then write to our support. We will resolve the situation.


Now you can activate the scanner, bring it to the barcode and in a second it will determine what product it is, its price, and then it will all go to the receipt. Adding products to an order will no longer take much time. This Halloween, no one will be left without good service!

Common Mistakes to Avoid When Using Order Export for WooCommerce

As an online store owner, it is crucial to have a smooth and efficient order export process in place. This process involves exporting orders from your WooCommerce store to a file that can be easily shared with third-party platforms or fulfillment services.

In recent years, the use of order export plugins for WooCommerce has become increasingly popular among store owners. These plugins offer a range of features that can simplify and streamline the order export process. However, like any other technology, there are some common mistakes that store owners make when using these order export plugins. In this article, we will discuss these mistakes and how to avoid them.

Not Selecting the Right Plugin

The first and most crucial mistake that store owners make is not selecting the right plugin for their needs. With a plethora of order export plugins available in the market, it can be overwhelming to choose the right one. However, it is essential to do thorough research and select a plugin that meets your specific requirements. Some plugins may have features that you do not need, while others may lack critical functions. Take your time to evaluate different options and choose the one that best suits your store’s needs.

You can read a review of the plugins in this article.

Not checking the export format

Another common mistake is not checking the export format before exporting data. WooCommerce offers various export formats, such as CSV, Excel, and PDF. Each format has its own advantages and limitations, and choosing the wrong format can result in data being exported in an unusable or unreadable format.

Advanced Order Export for WooCommerce has even more formats, such as TSV, HTML, XML and JSON. Moreover, you can export your orders to other services using Zapier.

Not scheduling regular exports

Many merchants make the mistake of not scheduling regular exports and instead only exporting data when needed. This can lead to missing out on important data and insights that can help improve their business. Regularly exporting data allows merchants to track trends and identify patterns, which can be used to make data-driven decisions.

To avoid this mistake, merchants should set up a schedule for regular exports, depending on their business needs. This can be daily, weekly, or monthly, depending on the volume of orders and the frequency of changes in their data.

Watch our video on how you can schedule your exports in Advanced Order Export for WooCommerce.

Not filtering the orders

Another mistake that merchants make is not filtering the orders before exporting them. By default, WooCommerce exports all the orders, including cancelled and refunded orders. This can lead to confusion and inaccurate data analysis. Therefore, it is crucial to filter the orders based on their status, date, and other criteria before exporting. This will ensure that you only export the orders that are relevant to your purpose.

Not backing up data

Merchants often make the mistake of not regularly backing up their data. This can result in losing crucial data in case of system crashes, accidental deletion, or other unforeseen circumstances.

To avoid this mistake, merchants should make it a habit to regularly back up their data. They can also use backup plugins or services to automate this process and ensure their data is always safe.

You might have missed it: a video about the backup tool function, with which you can copy your export settings.

We shows you the most common mistakes that users make when choosing and using an export plugin. They are often caused by inattention and can be corrected manually. However, if you have a problem and you don’t know how to solve it, then feel free to write to our support. The Advanced Order Export for WooCommerce plugin team is always ready to help you!

Customized Exports Made Easy: Exploring the Flexibility of Advanced Order Export for Woocommerce

The Relevance of Customizing Reports

Customizing reports is an important part of any business, whether it be a small business or a large corporation. Reports are an effective way to track progress, analyze data, and identify areas for improvement. For businesses, customizing reports can help ensure that the right information is available to decision makers, leading to better decisions and improved performance.

Customizing reports can also help improve the accuracy of the data. By taking into account the specific variables and conditions of the business, the report can be tailored to provide more accurate and reliable results. This is especially important when dealing with complex data sets.

In addition to improving accuracy, customizing reports can also help save time. Since the reports are tailored to the specific needs of the business, they can be quickly generated. This can help save time and resources that would otherwise be spent on manually creating reports.

Do Your Customized Export

When it comes to exporting data, creating a customized export report can be a daunting task. The good news is that there are several steps you can follow to make the process easier. This little guide will provide an overview of how to create a customized export report.

  1. Give the report a title.

  1. Set a date range.

  1. Select the desired export format and configure it. You can choose, for example, the XLS format and adjust the direction from right to left, remove emojis, or give a different name to the sheet.

  1. Specify the status with which the exported orders should be. In our case, these are all completed orders.

  1. Let’s add a filter by customer. We export all Lisa Wood’s orders.

  1. In the Misc Settings field, check Export all order notes and Shipping fields use billing details (if shipping address is empty).

  1. In the Set up fields to export section, remove unnecessary fields, for example, all coupon’s information and billing details.

  1. Add your custom field. Click Add field and select meta key pickup_time. Let’s name the field Pickup time and select the date format. Let’s drag it to the left column using the drag-and-drop method.

Note: This field was previously created as part of this article.

  1. Let’s create a calculated field. Click Add calculated field and fill in the custom meta key custom_address. Let’s specify the column name and its format. Also drag it to the left column using the drag-and-drop method.

Next, let’s create a calculation function. In the Misc Settings section, check the “Custom PHP code to modify output” checkbox and paste the following rough function into the text field:

add_filter('woe_get_order_value_{FIELD}',function ($value, $order,$fieldname) { $value = "text"; return $value; },10,3);

Let’s replace {FIELD} with the previously created metakey and replace $value = “text”; with the following code (this code combines state and postcode):

$value = $order->get_shipping_state() . '-' .$order->get_shipping_postcode();

  1. Click on the “Preview” button and check the results.

Note: there is not any postcode in Liza Wood’s orders, so report has only state in Custom address field.

Once the export is complete, you can then use the data to analyze your spending and income trends, create budget plans, and predict your financial future.

Avoid These Common Mistakes

As a business owner, it is important to customize reports to get the most accurate information about your business. However, customizing reports can be a tricky process. To get the most accurate information, you must avoid common mistakes that can lead to inaccurate or unreliable reports.

First, you must choose the right data fields to include in your report. Too often, business owners choose data fields that are not relevant to their goals. For example, if you are trying to analyze customer spending, it would not make sense to include data fields related to employee productivity. To get the most accurate information, you must select data fields that are directly related to the goals of your report.

Second, you must ensure that you are using the most up-to-date data. Reports can quickly become outdated if you are not regularly updating the data. To get the most accurate information, you must regularly review the data and update it as necessary.

Third, you must make sure that your report is free of errors. Mistakes in data entry or calculations can lead to inaccurate information. To ensure that your report is accurate, you must double-check all the data and calculations.

In conclusion, customizing reports is an important and necessary part of any work environment. Provide more detailed insight into performance and identify potential areas for improvement with Advanced Order Export for WooCommerce!

How to set up a product discount in Advanced Dynamic Pricing for WooCommerce

Product discount is a fairly popular type of discount in online stores. It can be described as a targeted offer, such as buy 2 and get one of equal or lesser value free.

Such a discount can be charged to the actual cost of the product, the quantity purchased, the value of a second unit bought (like a two-for-one), or any combination of these.

Some discounts are only available for a short time and can only be applied once.

All shopping sites offer coupons or discounts.

To learn how to set up a product discount in Advanced Dynamic Pricing for WooCommerce, read our article.

Black Friday / Cyber Monday weekend (Percentage discount to the whole shop)

Let’s add a rule and configure it.

Note: For all rules, you should specify the title, the number of applications, the date, and apply at first to.

Write the title, the number of application and apply at first to

Choose the date

Select the type of discount “Product discount” from the list.

The types of discount

You will see the following window.

Settings for product discount

To apply the discount to the whole store, click on “Any product” in the product filter.

The product filter

Choose a percentage discount in the “Product discounts” area.

The “Product discounts” area

And input its value.

Choose the value of discount

Additionally, you can set the maximum discount on the sum.

Note: The maximum discount on the sum limits the discount to the specified value. For example, if the discount is 50%, and the maximum discount on the sum is $20, then when a customer buys a product for $100, he/she will have a discount not of $50, but of $20.

The maximum discount on the sum

Look at the shop page now. Now all products in the shop have a discount.

The view of shop

Set discount on product

Select the type of discount “Product discount” from the list.

The types of discount

To apply the discount to a product, click on “Products” in the product filter.

The product filter

Let’s choose the necessary items.

The necessary items: Album and Beanie

Choose a fixed 2$ discount in the “Product discounts” area.

The “Product discounts” area

Products cost $2 less now.

Album and Beanie with fixed 2$ discount

Percentage discount for the selected variation

The peculiarity of this type of discount is that it is applied only to a certain product variant (for example, the red hoodie variation of the Hoodie product).

Select the type of discount “Product discount” from the list.

The types of discount

To apply the discount to a product, click on “Products” in the product filter.

The product filter

Let’s choose the necessary item. 

 The necessary item: Hoodie – Blue, No

Create a 5% discount on this product.

5% discount

The discount is applied to Hoodie blue, without a logo.

Hoodie blue, without a logo with 5% discount

Set discount for category

Select the type of discount “Product discount” from the list.

The types of discount

To apply the discount to a product, click on “Categories” in the product filter.

The product filter

Let’s choose the necessary category. 

The necessary category: Accessories

Create a 5% discount on this category.

 5% discount

The price of sunglasses has changed (dropped from 90 to 85.5).

Sunglasses with 5% discount

Set discount on an attribute

Select the type of discount “Product discount” from the list.

The types of discount

To apply the discount to a product, click on “Attributes” in the product filter.

Note: An attribute discount applies to all products with a similar attribute. For example, if the attribute is green, then the discount will apply to both a green hoodie and a green hat.

The product filter

Select an attribute (Color: Red).


Specify the products that the discount will not apply to (Beanie with Logo).

Exclude products

Set a discount of 10%.

10% discount

As you can see, the discount applied to Beanie and Hoodie (Red, No), but not to Beanie with Logo (although its attribute is also red).

Discount on an attribute

Package having one position

Select the type of discount “Product discount” from the list.

The types of discount

To apply the discount to a product, click on “SKUs” in the product filter.

The product filter

Let’s choose the number of products (9) and how varied they should be (Same product only).

Package having one position settings

Select the SKU — woo-sunglasses.


Create a 50% discount for this rule.

50% discount

Thus, a customer who buys in bulk receives 9 pairs of sunglasses for half the price of the total.

Sunglasses for half the price of the total

Set price for each item

Select the type of discount “Product discount” from the list.

The types of discount

To apply the discount to a product, click on “Products” in the product filter.

The product filter

Choose a product (Belt).


Add two more positions in the same way using the “Add product filter” button.

Use the “Add product filter” button

To add a discount for each product individually, click on the “Split” checkbox.

The “Split” checkbox

Discounts are applied in accordance with the values that we indicated earlier.

Individual discounts for different products

3 any products for 100

Select the type of discount “Product discount” from the list.

The types of discount

To apply the discount to a product, click on “Any products” in the product filter.

The product filter

Specify the quantity of products.

The quantity of products

Set a fixed price of 100.

Fixed price of 100

All three items cost $100 in total.

3 any products for 100

Get 50% discount on the cheapest item in the cart (Pro)

Select the type of discount “Product discount” from the list.

The types of discount

To apply the discount to a product, click on “Any products” in the product filter.

The product filter

Add one more position using the “Add product filter” button. Select “Select most expensive products” for one item and “Select cheapest products” for another.

Note: This feature is only available in the pro version.

Use the “Add product filter” button

To add a discount for each product individually, click on the “Split” checkbox. For a cheap item, add a 50 percent discount.

The “Split” checkbox

The album is cheaper than the belt, so it’s discounted.

50% discount on the cheapest item in the cart

50% off for every 2nd item (Pro)

The algorithm for creating this rule is similar to the previous one. Just follow it.

There is only one discount applied for three items.

One discount for 3 items

But when there are 4 items in the cart, two discounts are valid.

50% off for every 2nd item

In conclusion, setting up a product discount in Advanced Dynamic Pricing for WooCommerce is a relatively straightforward process. First, the plugin must be installed and activated on the WooCommerce platform. Then, the user can navigate to the pricing rules section and create a new rule for the desired product. The rule can be customized to specify the discount amount or percentage, as well as any additional conditions such as minimum or maximum quantities. Once the rule is saved, the discount will be automatically applied to the product when the specified conditions are met. Overall, Advanced Dynamic Pricing for WooCommerce offers a convenient and flexible solution for implementing product discounts in an online store.

How to Set Up Advanced Order Export for Woocommerce (Pro): Beginner’s Guide

How to install Advanced Order Export for Woocommerce (Pro)

Before installing the plugin, you need to buy it on our website. Select the appropriate tariff and click on the “Purchase” button.


As stated in the instructions, first we will remove the free version of the plugin, if it was installed earlier.

Next, go to the “Plugins” tab and click on “Add new”.

At the top of the page, click on “Upload” and choose the plugin archive. The plugin will appear in the “All plugins” tab. Activate it.

How to set up Advanced Order Export for Woocommerce (Pro)

We wrote about how to configure the plugin in this article. The settings are the same in both versions.

How to save report settings to your own Profile in Advanced Order Export for Woocommerce (Pro) 

Once you’ve set up your report, you can save them to your Profiles. 

To do this, click on the “Save as a profile” button

The “Save as a profile” button

You can create several such settings for different types of reports.

How to configure Status Change Jobs in Advanced Order Export for Woocommerce (Pro) 

The “Status change jobs” tab enables you to automatically export orders whose status has been modified to the designated location.

For example, let’s take the First situation from the last article.

There are two ways to create a job in the “Status change jobs” tab: 

  1. On the “Profiles” tab, you can click on the “Copy to a Status change jobs” button.

The “Copy to a Status change jobs” button

  1. On the “Status change jobs” tab you can click on the “Add job” button.

The “Add job” button

Then click “OK” on the message window.

The message window

In both cases, at the end you will see the window with the status job settings.

The status job settings

If you have already set up your “Profile” earlier, then you only need to specify “From status” and “To status” for the jobs. Let’s select the statuses “Processing” and “On hold” in the line “From statuses” and “Completed” in the “To status”.

“From status” and “To status”

Save settings.

How to configure Scheduled Jobs in Advanced Order Export for Woocommerce (Pro) 

You can configure the “Scheduled Jobs” tab to have reports exported on a schedule.

There are two ways to create a job in the “Scheduled Jobs” tab: 

  1. On the “Profiles” tab, you can click on the “Copy to a Scheduled Jobs” button.

The “Copy to a Scheduled Jobs” button

  1. On the “Scheduled Jobs” tab you can click on the “Add job” button.

The “Add job” button

In both cases, finish setting up the scheduled job on this window.

The scheduled job

By default, an empty file will not be sent.

The “Don’t send empty file” option

And the directory path is your site’s folder.

The directory path

You can choose another export destination (or destinations). For example, Email and Directory. To set up the Email, be sure to include a recipient. Then click on the ”Test” button.

The Email

If you have a similar error, then enter email in the “From email” field.

Error in Test Results

If the submission was successful, you will receive the following message.

Successfull Test Results

Schedule settings are quite flexible and understandable.

Schedule settings

Let’s imagine that you have to send a report on a certain day of a certain month. Choose date and time and click on the “Add” button.

Choose date and time

Click on the “Add” button

Do the same if you want to add another date.

Add another date

Set the period for which data will be loaded into the report in the “Export date range” section.

The “Export date range” section

Conclusion on how to set up Advanced Order Export for Woocommerce (Pro)

Now you figured out how to configure Advanced Order Export for Woocommerce (Pro). It also has many other equally useful settings. You can read about all of them in our plugin documentation.

How to Set Up Advanced Order Export for Woocommerce: Beginner’s Guide

Advanced Order Export for Woocommerce is a plugin for e-commerce websites. It takes advantage of WordPress express environment and makes it easy to configure and export orders on the fly. It enables users to configure all settings in each template and create its own schedule (view details in “pro version” article). Also, it gives the facility to customize specific fields using PHP.

Orders can be exported in different formats (for example, CSV, XLS or HTML), as well as to different applications like Zapier.

 So, what is the easiest way to set up Advanced Order Export for Woocommerce?

How to install Advanced Order Export for Woocommerce

First, you need to open the

First, you need to open the “Plugins” tab and click “Add new”. 

The “Plugins” tab

You have to write “Advanced Order Export for Woocommerce” in the search panel

The search panel

Click “Install now” and wait a few seconds.

Click “Install now”

Then activate it.

You can find the plugin in the “Woocommerce” tab.

The “Woocommerce” tab

How to set up Advanced Order Export for Woocommerce

Some parameters in the plugin are set by default. Orders are filtered by the date they were created, the export file name is “orders-%y-%m-%d-%h-%i-%s”, orders are sorted by id in descending order, and all fields are in the export fields.

We will configure the most requested settings and create three different export files: a regular file with multiple orders, summary report by products, and summary report by customers.

First situation: regular file with multiple orders.

First, let’s set the order date range. For this you must click on “Date range” and select the day, month and year from the pop-up calendar

The pop-up calendar

Then change “Export filename“. To make it clear, orders for which period will be exported, let’s write the following code:


Export filename

Select format of export file. In our example, it will be a PDF. Set up settings for it. Click again on PDF and choose: 

Page number – right align

Page header text – First example

Fit table to page width – Yes

Format of export file

You can also change the colors in your file and add your logo.

Other settings

Now set up fields to export.

Click on “Remove all fields” and then add other fields by method drag-and-drop.

Fields to export

Second situation: summary report by products.

For this type of export, you need to choose “Summary report by products”

Summary report by products

Note: All other settings will be saved, except for the fields for export. They will be changed to those appropriate for this type of report.

Changed fields

Third situation: summary report by customers.

As in the previous case, you need to tick the “Summary report by customers”

Summary report by customers

Also fields for export will be different.

Different fields

How to create a custom field in Advanced Order Export for Woocommerce

Sometimes it happens that you need additional fields for a report. In the plugin Advanced Order Export for Woocommerce, you can add them yourself.

How to create a custom field:

  • Go to the desired category and click on the “Add field” button;
  • Select the “Meta key” value;
  • Add the value to the “Column name” and “Field format” fields (string only for XLS);
  • Click the “Confirm” button.

Custom field

Another way to add a static field:

  • Click on the “Add static field” button;
  • Enter a value in the “Column name” field;
  • Fill in the “Value” field or leave it empty;
  • Select the value from the “Field format” drop-dow;
  • Click the “Confirm” button”.

Static field

How to save report settings to your own Profile in Advanced Order Export for Woocommerce (Pro)

Once you’ve set up your report, you can save them to your Profiles. 

To do this, click on the “Save as a profile” button

The “Save as a profile” button

You can create several such settings for different types of reports, as well as configure their schedule, automatic export when the order status changes, and the destination. (view details in “pro version” article)


Export the order

Note: Before exporting orders, you must ensure that your list of orders is not empty.

There are two ways to export orders from Woocommerce: “Export” and “Export without progressbar”.

Export orders

For bulk exporting orders, you must use the “Export” button. Otherwise, click on “Export without progressbar”.

There are three reports: the regular file with multiple orders, summary report by products, and summary report by customers.

The regular file with multiple orders

Summary report by products

Summary report by customers

Conclusion on how to set up Advanced Order Export for Woocommerce.

Now you figured out how to configure Advanced Order Export for Woocommerce. It also has many other equally useful settings. You can read about all of them in our plugin documentation.

How to set up bulk discounts in Advanced Dynamic Pricing for WooCommerce

Bulk discounts are a pricing strategy that offers reduced prices or special deals to customers who purchase large quantities of a product. This strategy aims to incentivize customers to buy more by providing them with a financial benefit.

The relevance of bulk discounts lies in its potential to increase sales volume and revenue for businesses. By offering lower prices for larger quantities, businesses can attract customers who are looking to save money or stock up on a particular product. This can be particularly effective for businesses that sell products with low storage costs or perishable items that need to be sold quickly.

Additionally, bulk discounts can help businesses build customer loyalty and encourage repeat purchases. Customers who take advantage of bulk discounts are more likely to become regular customers, as they have already experienced the benefits of buying in larger quantities. Furthermore, bulk discounts can also help businesses compete with larger retailers or online platforms that offer lower prices due to their economies of scale.

Overall, the relevance of bulk discounts lies in its ability to drive sales, increase customer loyalty, and help businesses remain competitive in the market.

Advanced Dynamic Pricing for WooCommerce provides a convenient and effective solution for implementing bulk discounts in an online store.

Bulk Discounts based on quantities

Let’s add a rule and configure it.

Note: For all rules, you must specify the title, the number of applications, the date, and apply at first to.

The title, the number of applications and apply at first to

The date

Select the type of discount “Bulk” from the list.

The types of discount

You will see the next window:

Settings for bulk

Let’s choose which product the bulk discount applies to (Cap).

The item

Define the type of discount (in percent). Add a range of products and a discount on it. Click on the “Add range” button.

The “Add range” button

Similarly, we add a few more ranges and a discounts.

Ranges and discounts

The product page displays bulk discounts on the cap.

The product page

When ordering 7 caps, a 10% discount is applied. The rule is working successfully.

7 caps with 10 % discount

Bulk discount for Specific Categories

Select “Categories” in the filter types.

The filter types

Specify the required category (Music).

The category

Choose a fixed discount for the item.

The types of discount

Specify the range of products to activate the discount.

The range and discount

The product page shows the bulk discount on the album (music category).

The product page

The album dropped $5 in price because a bulk order.

The category with discount

Bulk Discount for Selected Product – Simple Product Type

Let’s choose a product (Cap).

The item

Select the type of discount (in percent). Choose “Qty based on product” in the drop-down list.

Bulk mode settings

Set the range and discount.

The range and discount

The product page displays bulk discount on the cap.

The product page

Caps have 5$ discount.

Caps with discount

Bulk Discount for Different Variations (Qty based on variations)

Let’s choose a product (Hoodie).

The item

Choose “Qty based on variation” in the drop-down list.

The drop-down list

Set ranges and discounts.

Ranges and discounts

The product page displays bulk discount on the hoodie.

The product page

Discount applies to each product variation separately.

Blue Hoodie without discount and Green Hoodie with discount

Bulk Discount for Different Variations (Qty based on all matched products)

Repeat previous steps. Instead of “Qty based on variation” select “Qty based on all matched products” in the dropdown list.

The drop-down list

Product variations are no longer important. Discount applies to all hoodies.

All hoodies with discount

Tier Discount

Tier discounts allow you to set your own discount for each range. It looks like this:

Tier discounts

To understand how they work, see the paragraph Bulk Discounts based on quantities.

Role filter and bulk ranges as one rule

Click on the “Role discounts” button.

The “Role discounts” button

Choose the type of role and the type of discount.

The type of role and the type of discount

Choose the nessesary item (Polo).

The item

Set the range and the discount.

The range and the discount

The client has a double discount – for being a customer (5%), and for a bulk order (5%).

Double discount

Conclusion on how to set up bulk discounts in Advanced Dynamic Pricing for WooCommerce

Setting up bulk discounts in Advanced Dynamic Pricing for WooCommerce is a great way to increase your store’s sales and customer loyalty. Bulk discounts allow you to reward customers who buy in bulk, which encourages them to come back to your store and purchase more. With Advanced Dynamic Pricing, you can set up discounts based on the quantity of items purchased, the total value of the purchase, or both. You can also set up discounts based on user roles, meaning that you can provide discounts to certain customer groups that you define. Additionally, you can set up the discounts to be applied automatically at checkout, so that customers don’t have to remember to enter a coupon code. Bulk discounts are a great way to increase customer loyalty and sales, and Advanced Dynamic Pricing for WooCommerce makes it easy to set them up.

How to set up gifts in Advanced Dynamic Pricing for WooCommerce

One of the most effective marketing strategies is promotional products. They serve to build brand awareness, increase sales, generate consumer loyalty, and create lasting brand exposure.

Promotional products are used to boost sales in various industries, such as building and construction, retail, telecom, hospitality, media, and retail. Some industries use promotional products more frequently than others, such as FMCG.

Customers are always grateful for a free product and appreciate what is useful. 50% of those who receive promotional items use them in their daily lives. Therefore, gifts are an ideal way to interact with customers for online stores.

Let’s see how you can create your own gift rule in Advanced Dynamic Pricing for WooCommerce

Add free products based on subtotal amount

Let’s add a rule and configure it.

Note: For all rules, you should specify the title, the number of applications, the date, and apply at first to.

The title, the number of applications and and apply at first to

The date

Select the type of discount “Gifts” from the list.

The types of discount

The following window will appear in front of us.

Settings for gifts

Click on “Give gift from the list (1st available)” in the gift filter.

The gift filter

Choose Album.


Configure a rule. Let’s set up a condition “Subtotal (exc. VAT) ≥ 100”.

Gift rule

Add 3 hoodies to cart. We have 1 gift — Album.

Shopping cart

Gift for selected model and colors

Limit the gift options, create a list and select the items. Click on “Give gift from the list (1st available)” in the gift filter.

The gift filter

Choose a gift (Album).

Album as a gift

Configure a rule. Let’s set up a condition “Product attributes qty in list 1 color: blue”.

The condition

When choosing a blue hoodie, an album is included as a gift in the shopping cart.

The shopping cart with the gift

Almost same rule, but use “exclude products”

Repeat the steps from the previous point, but in the conditions menu, enter “Products” equals “Hoodie” using the “Add condition” button.

The conditions menu

When there is a blue hoodie in the cart, there is no gift.

Hoodie without the gift

And if there is a polo (blue), then the album appears as a gift.

Polo with the gift

Free product only monday

Limit the gift options, create a list and select the items. Click on “Require to choose from products” in the gift filter.

The gift filter

Choose gifts (Album and Beanie).

Album and Beanie as gifts

Set the condition “Day of the week” — “Monday”.

The condition

Let’s buy polo. A message appears in the cart stating that we definitely need to choose a gift.

The shopping cart with message above

If the customer click on the “Checkout” button, then he/she will not be able to pay for the order, as the follow page tells us.

Warning Page

Let’s go back to the cart and click on the “Choose your gift” button. On the page of available gifts, select an album.

The page of available gifts

As soon as the customer choose the gift, he can pay for the order.

Album is a chosen gift

Note: Pro version has quite useful settings. Go to Settings>Free Products and tick Choose the gift directly from the cart or/and Select the gift from the product page.

Choose the gift directly from the cart and Select the gift from the product page

In conclusion, setting up gifts in Advanced Dynamic Pricing for WooCommerce can be a great way to incentivize customers to purchase more. It’s an effective way to increase sales, allowing customers to receive discounts for purchasing multiple items or larger quantities of items at once. When setting up gifts in Advanced Dynamic Pricing, make sure to consider the number of items, the types of items, and the discount rate. Additionally, consider setting up separate rules for different types of customers, such as wholesale customers, in order to maximize the benefits of the offering. Finally, use analytics to track the effectiveness of the gift setup and make adjustments as needed. With the right setup, Advanced Dynamic Pricing for WooCommerce can be an invaluable tool for boosting sales and providing customers with the incentive to purchase more.

How to set up Phone Orders for WooCommerce (Pro): Beginners Guide

How to install Phone Orders for WooCommerce (Pro)

The pro version of the plugin is paid. To purchase it, follow this link:

Select the appropriate tariff and click on the “Purchase” button.

Click on the “Purchase” button

After payment, you will receive an email with the plugin archive and activation key.

Purchase Receipt

Please, deactivate the free version of the plugin and install the pro version instead of it.

Then go to the “Plugins” tab and click on “Add new”.

Click on the “Upload” button at the top of the page and choose the plugin archive. The plugin will appear in the “All plugins” tab. Activate it.

How to configure fields and default values while adding new customers

In the guide about the free version of the plugin, we told you about how to specify the shipping / billing address for the customer.


If you need to select your required fields, then follow the next steps.

Click on “Settings” the tab and choose the ”New customers” link. You will see this panel.

The “New customers” tab

To hide fields, check fields with a checkmark next to them.

The “Hide fields” option

You can select required fields. The selection algorithm is similar to the previous one.

The “Required fields” option

Choose the default city, postcode, country, state for every new customer.

Choosing the default values

Now, you don’t need to fill in the required field while placing the order, because they have default values.

Required fields and default values in the “New Customer” editor

How to define products that can be sold

Click on the “Settings” tab and choose the ”Products” link. You will see this panel.

The ”Products” tab

Tick the “Sell “out of stock” product” option to allow selling the products that currently are out of stock.

The “Sell “out of stock” product” option

Tick the “Don’t sell products with no price defined” option if you wish to omit products without a specified price from search and order results.

The “Don’t sell products with no price defined” option

Tick the “Sell disabled variation” option to allow selling the disabled variations.

The “Sell disabled variation” option

Now, even if the product is out of stock, it can be sold.

We can choose out of stock product

How to use feature “Pay order as customer”

Click on the tab “Settings” and choose the ”Layout” link. You will see this panel.

The ”Layout” tab

Make sure the checkbox is disabled.

The “Hide button “Pay as customer””option

The order of using the “Pay order as customer” function:

  1. Fill in the order details and customer details. Click on the “Create order” button.

The “Create order” button

  1. The button “Pay order as the customer” is shown now. Click on it to continue the payment.

The “Pay order as the customer” button

  1. You will see the customer payment page. Choose a payment method and click on the “Pay for order” button.

The “Pay for order” button

  1. If the payment was successfully paid, you see the following message.

“Order received” message

Note: To return to the admin panel, click on the “Back to admin area” link.

How to send invoice to the customer

Click on the “Settings” tab and choose the ”Layout” link. You will see this panel.

 The ”Layout” tab

Make sure the checkbox is disabled.

The ”Hide button “Send Invoice”” option

You can also tick the “View invoice for orders” and “View invoice for draft orders” checkboxes to see what the invoice will look like.

”Show button “View Invoice”” options

Now, after clicking on the “Create order” button, you can both send an invoice and view it.

Send invoice

View invoice

How to add additional blocks to the interface

Click on the “Settings” tab and choose the ”Custom fields” link. You will see this panel.

The ”Custom fields” tab

There is advice in the settings on how to create a custom field. Use the following format:

Label Text|custom_fieldname

For example, let’s create a new line “Pickup at” in the “Order fields” block using the following code:

Pickup at|pickup_time|time

Creating a new line

You will find the new field in “Order details” on the “Add order” page.

The new field in “Order details

Conclusion on how to set up Phone Orders for WooCommerce (Pro)

This article shows only a small part of all the possibilities of using Phone Orders for WooCommerce. I am planning on writing more articles about the plugin and the features that make it easier to work with it. Keep an eye out for them!

How to set up Phone Orders for WooCommerce: Beginners Guide

How to set up Phone Orders for WooCommerce: Beginners Guide

Essentially, a phone order is a calling up to your buyers and placing an order via telephone. This can obviously be a huge boon to your revenue as you don’t have to use postage or an expensive shipping service to ship products to customers who may only be making a small order.

The Phone Orders for WooCommerce makes it easier to enter phone orders in the WooCommerce backend. This makes it much more efficient.

The plugin has many useful features:

  • Quick search through existing customers or add new ones
  • Easily add new products or search for existing ones on-the-go
  • Prices can be set according to default rates, or adjusted within the order itself

In this article, we will show how to install and start to use the Phone Orders plugin.

How to install Phone Orders for WooCommerce

Click on the “Plugins” tab and select “Add New”.

Then enter “Phone Orders for WooCommerce” in the search bar. Click on the “Install now” button and then on the “Activate” button.

The plugin will appear in the “Woocommerce” tab.

How to create a new order in Phone Orders for WooCommerce

As you can see in the picture, the “Phone Orders” area is divided into two blocks: order details and information about the customer.

Phone Orders main area

Fill in the details of the order. We select the products that the customer wants to purchase.

Searching of the products in Phone Orders search

As soon as we click on the desired product, it immediately appeared in the shopping cart.

The Phone Orders’ cart

Let’s change the price and quantity.

Changing the price and quantity in Phone Orders

Click on the “Recalculate” button to display the tax in the shopping cart.

The “Recalculate” button

Now the price with tax is displayed in the cart.

New price with tax in the shopping cart

Notes are located in the lower left corner. It can be both notes of the customer, and others.

Write your order’s note in Phone Orders

Let’s add a new customer. Click on the “New customer” button link.

The “New customer” link

Required fields are marked with a checkmark. Let’s fill it in.

Note: You can set up suitable required fields in the pro version.

The “New customer” editor

For example, Lisa (our customer) said that she needs to deliver the order to a different address. Check the box “Ship to a different address?” and fill in the data (pencil icon).

Checking the box “Ship to a different address?”

Editing address

When you have entered all the details of the order, click on the “Create order” button. Now you can view the order, send a check to the customer by email or create a new order.

Creating the order

This is what the “View order” page looks like.

The “View order” page

How to create a new order based on existing order in Phone Orders for WooCommerce

Find, edit and copy an existing order using “Find Existing Order” section in the PRO version of the Phone Orders plugin:

  1. Input customer name, product name or order number;

Using the “Find existing order” panel

  1. Find and choose the order you need;

Choosing needed order

  1. Сopy it to the new.

Clicking to the “Copy order” button

Successful creation of a copy of the order

The view of copied order

In the PRO version of the plugin, you have access to such functions as:

  • Pause and resume the order
  • Customer search by shipping/billing fields
  • Configure fields and default values while adding new customers
  • Define products that can be sold (out of stock? without price?)
  • Support composite/bundled/other complex products
  • Add any additional fees
  • Setup custom fields for the order/customer
  • Extra WooCommerce reports
  • After creating the order, you can “Pay order as customer”

Read about them in our article How to set up Phone Orders for WooCommerce: Beginners Guide (Pro).

Conclusion on how to set up Phone Orders for WooCommerce

In this blog post I have demonstrated how to set up Phone Orders for WooCommerce. I hope you will be able to set up the plugin with the help of this article. If you are looking for other helpful tutorials, read related articles of this blog.