Barcode scanning in Phone Orders


Black Friday is a quite busy time! To serve your phone orders even faster on this hot day, use bar code scanner mode. This mode allows you to scan the bar code of any item you wish to purchase, and it automatically adds the item to the customer’s order. The ability to connect a scanning device helps to optimize and reduce service time for each client.

Prepare in advance for the holiday and enable this mode!

Note: this feature is available in the pro version.

How to activate bar code scanner mode

All you have to do is buy a scanner, connect it to your computer and activate the bar code scanner mode:

  1. You simply need to go to the Phone Orders tab in the WooCommerce settings.
  1. Next go to the Settings>Products.
  1. Tick the barcode scanner mode.

How to use bar code scanner mode

After you have activated the mode, the following message will appear on the order creation page:

Barcode mode enabled! Product search works only after pressing the Enter key

Let’s try to find a product.

  1. Scan the barcode. The product will immediately appear in the drop-down list.
  1. Let’s click on it. The product is added to the order.

Can’t scan barcode: reasons

If you are unable to scan an item, it may be due to the following common reasons:

  • Unsuitable conditions: insufficient lighting, too far from the scanning module to the barcode, incorrect position of the reader relative to the graphic image.
  • Device malfunction: phone camera or scanner. You need to make sure there are no scratches or other damage to the glass of the module. Dirt such as stains and fingerprints can be removed with a degreaser. If you cannot solve the problem yourself, you need to contact a service center.
  • The problem with the barcode. Not all devices can read low-quality images (insufficient contrast, blurred, with printing defects). Much depends on the type of scanning module. For example, some are “tailored” to reading small identifiers, while others cannot recognize even large ones if they are poorly printed.

If the problem still persists, then write to our support. We will resolve the situation.


Now you can activate the scanner, bring it to the barcode and in a second it will determine what product it is, its price, and then it will all go to the receipt. Adding products to an order will no longer take much time. This Halloween, no one will be left without good service!

Common Mistakes to Avoid When Using Order Export for WooCommerce

As an online store owner, it is crucial to have a smooth and efficient order export process in place. This process involves exporting orders from your WooCommerce store to a file that can be easily shared with third-party platforms or fulfillment services.

In recent years, the use of order export plugins for WooCommerce has become increasingly popular among store owners. These plugins offer a range of features that can simplify and streamline the order export process. However, like any other technology, there are some common mistakes that store owners make when using these order export plugins. In this article, we will discuss these mistakes and how to avoid them.

Not Selecting the Right Plugin

The first and most crucial mistake that store owners make is not selecting the right plugin for their needs. With a plethora of order export plugins available in the market, it can be overwhelming to choose the right one. However, it is essential to do thorough research and select a plugin that meets your specific requirements. Some plugins may have features that you do not need, while others may lack critical functions. Take your time to evaluate different options and choose the one that best suits your store’s needs.

You can read a review of the plugins in this article.

Not checking the export format

Another common mistake is not checking the export format before exporting data. WooCommerce offers various export formats, such as CSV, Excel, and PDF. Each format has its own advantages and limitations, and choosing the wrong format can result in data being exported in an unusable or unreadable format.

Advanced Order Export for WooCommerce has even more formats, such as TSV, HTML, XML and JSON. Moreover, you can export your orders to other services using Zapier.

Not scheduling regular exports

Many merchants make the mistake of not scheduling regular exports and instead only exporting data when needed. This can lead to missing out on important data and insights that can help improve their business. Regularly exporting data allows merchants to track trends and identify patterns, which can be used to make data-driven decisions.

To avoid this mistake, merchants should set up a schedule for regular exports, depending on their business needs. This can be daily, weekly, or monthly, depending on the volume of orders and the frequency of changes in their data.

Watch our video on how you can schedule your exports in Advanced Order Export for WooCommerce.

Not filtering the orders

Another mistake that merchants make is not filtering the orders before exporting them. By default, WooCommerce exports all the orders, including cancelled and refunded orders. This can lead to confusion and inaccurate data analysis. Therefore, it is crucial to filter the orders based on their status, date, and other criteria before exporting. This will ensure that you only export the orders that are relevant to your purpose.

Not backing up data

Merchants often make the mistake of not regularly backing up their data. This can result in losing crucial data in case of system crashes, accidental deletion, or other unforeseen circumstances.

To avoid this mistake, merchants should make it a habit to regularly back up their data. They can also use backup plugins or services to automate this process and ensure their data is always safe.

You might have missed it: a video about the backup tool function, with which you can copy your export settings.

We shows you the most common mistakes that users make when choosing and using an export plugin. They are often caused by inattention and can be corrected manually. However, if you have a problem and you don’t know how to solve it, then feel free to write to our support. The Advanced Order Export for WooCommerce plugin team is always ready to help you!

Creative Ways to Use Advanced Dynamic Pricing to Boost Sales in Your WooCommerce Store

Advanced dynamic pricing is an innovative and ever-evolving pricing strategy that is used by businesses to maximize profits and competitiveness. As the name suggests, dynamic pricing involves changing prices based on market conditions and customer demand. This strategy can be incredibly effective in increasing revenue and profits, but it requires a lot of creativity to be successful.

Why should creativity be a top priority?

The human brain processes visual data 60 thousand times faster than text. Therefore, creative ads allow you to convey information about your brand and products to customers more effectively than just text.

Creative advertising:

  • attracts the user’s attention to the ad;
  • supports or explains the text message, if any;
  • talks about a brand or product, creates a suitable image in the eyes of potential customers;
  • evokes emotions that influence purchasing decisions or become associated with the brand;
  • encourages consumers to take the desired target action: go to the website, place an order, leave their contact information or otherwise interact with the ad;
  • helps you differentiate yourself from competitors and highlight your advertising campaign.

Techniques for creating interesting advertising

Interesting advertising is most often created using tropes. Tropes are a concept from literature that denote the expressive means of language. Tropes include metaphor, hyperbole, allegory and others.

At the heart of any marketing campaign is concept. A concept is not just an illustration of an object; the emphasis is on its characteristics. Creative advertising of services and products should demonstrate the competitive advantages of the product.

Therefore, attention should be focused on a couple of advantages and talked about them using tropes. The rule is: for each property – one trope. How it works will become clear from the following examples.

Exaggeration (hyperbole)

The Nikon S60 camera promotion used exaggeration. The main feature of this technology – the face detection function – was chosen as a competitive advantage. Nikon marketers exaggerated this property: the poster shows how the camera recognizes, in addition to humans, the figures and faces of ghosts in a hotel.

Obviously, the new Nikon model cannot recognize ghosts, especially as demonstrated on the poster, and the very question of the existence of ghosts is controversial. However, the goal of the campaign was achieved: the advertisement turned out to be unusual and catchy.

Understatement (litote)

It turns out that not every advantage of a product is important to exaggerate in order to get attention. You can go backwards and downplay the shortcomings. Or turn properties undesirable for the buyer into almost advantages using a trope called litotes.

Siemens has an advertisement that shows that the new model of vacuum cleaner is so quiet that it does not distract from watching the opera. Of course, this is a clear understatement. But the idea itself is interesting and creative.


This trope involves comparing one object to another based on their common properties. In advertising, a product is compared with an analogue. Since the promoted product looks better than the abstract product, it creates the feeling that it is better than all competitors.

A well-known Duracell batteries used comparison in advertisement, which compares the operation of a toy on two types of batteries. Of course, devices run longer on Duracell than on conventional batteries. Advertising slogan: “Duracell – nothing lasts so long.”

The above image is considered one of the most successful in the history of creative advertising. It has been used with constant success for several decades, demonstrating the main property of batteries – durability. Moreover, it does this in an ironic and visual manner.


This technique consists of designating an object through its attribute or another closely related object. An example would be an advertisement for baby diapers that shows parents sleeping peacefully. This restful sleep is a metonymy for excellent quality diapers, with the use of which the child sleeps for a long time and allows mom and dad to rest.

Metonymy is one of the important advertising tropes, despite the fact that it is not a direct tool with the help of which an image is created.

It is obvious that ideas for non-standard promotion are the product of hard work, the ability to use special tools and the result of the correct presentation of the main characteristics of the product. The main thing is to correctly highlight competitive advantages and know the tools to interpret these properties so that you get the most creative advertising.

What rules should you use to increase your brand awareness?

Try creating your own marketing company in an unconventional way. Our plugin Advanced Dynamic Pricing for WooCommerce will help you with this. It allows to set up many different types of discounts for each situations.

Especially for our readers, we have selected the most innovative pricing rules and provided instructions for them.

  1. For companies based on hyperbole — Auto add to cart

Let’s look at the next rule – buy 2 belts and get 3 with a 50% discount.

Create a rule (blank). Add Filter by products section. Select Products type and set the quantity to 2. Select the product – Belt. Add Auto add to cart section. Select the same product and set the discount for it.

  1. For companies based on litote — discount on attribute

Do you have defective products? For, example it has scratches, abrasions or damaged packagings.

Sell them at a discount via Advanced Dynamic Pricing for WooCommerce!

Create a rule (Product discount). Choose the Attributes type in the Filter by products. Select the attribute. In the Product discount section choose the discount.

  1. For companies based on comparison — sample as a gift

The “buy a partner’s product and we’ll give you our sample as a gift” rule perfectly illustrates the comparison. Obviously, after trying a sample of your brand, the buyer will be able to compare it with a competitive product and make a choice in your favor the next time he/she orders.

Create a rule (blank). Add Filter by products section. Select Products type and the product – Belt. Add Free products section. Select your product.

Note: if you want to give a sample only once, then set Can be applied — Once.

  1. For companies based on metonymy — discount on category

Do you want the client to think about your company first when he sees an object, emotion or animal? Link his purchases with associations. Give a discount for the category you belong to.

For example, your business calls “CapybArt”. You create custom T-shirts.

Create a rule (Product discount). Choose the Categories type in the Filter by products. Select the category. In the Product discount section choose the discount.

In conclusion, creativity is your way to present yourself as a brand. Don’t be afraid to stand out and make a statement. Experiment with different types of advertising and discounts. This is always possible with Advanced Dynamic Pricing for WooCommerce plugin.

Customized Exports Made Easy: Exploring the Flexibility of Advanced Order Export for Woocommerce

The Relevance of Customizing Reports

Customizing reports is an important part of any business, whether it be a small business or a large corporation. Reports are an effective way to track progress, analyze data, and identify areas for improvement. For businesses, customizing reports can help ensure that the right information is available to decision makers, leading to better decisions and improved performance.

Customizing reports can also help improve the accuracy of the data. By taking into account the specific variables and conditions of the business, the report can be tailored to provide more accurate and reliable results. This is especially important when dealing with complex data sets.

In addition to improving accuracy, customizing reports can also help save time. Since the reports are tailored to the specific needs of the business, they can be quickly generated. This can help save time and resources that would otherwise be spent on manually creating reports.

Do Your Customized Export

When it comes to exporting data, creating a customized export report can be a daunting task. The good news is that there are several steps you can follow to make the process easier. This little guide will provide an overview of how to create a customized export report.

  1. Give the report a title.

  1. Set a date range.

  1. Select the desired export format and configure it. You can choose, for example, the XLS format and adjust the direction from right to left, remove emojis, or give a different name to the sheet.

  1. Specify the status with which the exported orders should be. In our case, these are all completed orders.

  1. Let’s add a filter by customer. We export all Lisa Wood’s orders.

  1. In the Misc Settings field, check Export all order notes and Shipping fields use billing details (if shipping address is empty).

  1. In the Set up fields to export section, remove unnecessary fields, for example, all coupon’s information and billing details.

  1. Add your custom field. Click Add field and select meta key pickup_time. Let’s name the field Pickup time and select the date format. Let’s drag it to the left column using the drag-and-drop method.

Note: This field was previously created as part of this article.

  1. Let’s create a calculated field. Click Add calculated field and fill in the custom meta key custom_address. Let’s specify the column name and its format. Also drag it to the left column using the drag-and-drop method.

Next, let’s create a calculation function. In the Misc Settings section, check the “Custom PHP code to modify output” checkbox and paste the following rough function into the text field:

add_filter('woe_get_order_value_{FIELD}',function ($value, $order,$fieldname) { $value = "text"; return $value; },10,3);

Let’s replace {FIELD} with the previously created metakey and replace $value = “text”; with the following code (this code combines state and postcode):

$value = $order->get_shipping_state() . '-' .$order->get_shipping_postcode();

  1. Click on the “Preview” button and check the results.

Note: there is not any postcode in Liza Wood’s orders, so report has only state in Custom address field.

Once the export is complete, you can then use the data to analyze your spending and income trends, create budget plans, and predict your financial future.

Avoid These Common Mistakes

As a business owner, it is important to customize reports to get the most accurate information about your business. However, customizing reports can be a tricky process. To get the most accurate information, you must avoid common mistakes that can lead to inaccurate or unreliable reports.

First, you must choose the right data fields to include in your report. Too often, business owners choose data fields that are not relevant to their goals. For example, if you are trying to analyze customer spending, it would not make sense to include data fields related to employee productivity. To get the most accurate information, you must select data fields that are directly related to the goals of your report.

Second, you must ensure that you are using the most up-to-date data. Reports can quickly become outdated if you are not regularly updating the data. To get the most accurate information, you must regularly review the data and update it as necessary.

Third, you must make sure that your report is free of errors. Mistakes in data entry or calculations can lead to inaccurate information. To ensure that your report is accurate, you must double-check all the data and calculations.

In conclusion, customizing reports is an important and necessary part of any work environment. Provide more detailed insight into performance and identify potential areas for improvement with Advanced Order Export for WooCommerce!

Discount for the wholesalers with Advanced Dynamic Pricing for WooCommerce


One of the most demanded type of the discount is a discount for the wholesalers. Most of the e-shops has a special wholesale price or discount for those who buy in large quantities. The shop owner can give a special price as a coupon or just when the purchase starts from the reasonable quantities.

By offering exclusive discounts to your wholesalers, you can incentivize them to make larger purchases and establish long-term partnerships. Advanced Dynamic Pricing for WooCommerce allows you to customize discounts based on factors such as order volume, product categories, or specific customers. This flexibility ensures that your wholesale pricing strategy is optimized for maximum profitability and customer satisfaction.

With the Role discount function you can set up wholesaler’s discounts. Read on to find out how to do this.

Role discount for a wholesaler

Role discount in Advanced Dynamic Pricing for WooCommerce is a powerful tool that can help retailers manage their pricing in a more efficient and effective way. It allows retailers to apply discounts to certain groups of customers as a guests, wholesalers or internal discount of the company for the staff.

To apply Role discount to a wholesaler, you must first create a rule.

We will set up 4 rules for different situations:

  • Discount for the entire store.
  • Discount for the required amount in the cart.
  • Discount for specific product.
  • Discount for bulk purchases.

Discount for the entire store

Click on the “Add rule” button and select “Role discount”.

Specify Wholesaler as the role.

Select the discount type and amount.

There is the discount for the entire store.

Discount for the required amount in the cart

Click on the “Add rule” button and select “Role discount”.

Specify Wholesaler as the role.

Select the discount type and amount.

Click on the “Cart Conditions” button.

Specify amount of cart.

The discount is applied once the cart total reaches $100.

Discount for specific product

Click on the “Add rule” button and select “Role discount”.

Specify Wholesaler as the role.

Select the discount type and amount.

Click on the “Product filters” button.

Choose an item.

Only hoodie with logo has the discount.

Discount for bulk purchases

Click on the “Add rule” button and select “Role bulk”.

Specify Wholesaler as the role.

Specify ranges and discounts.

Product quantities from 3 to 9 receive a 5% discount, and quantities from 10 receive a 10% discount.


Look how easy you can make a discount for the wholesalers with Advanced Dynamic Pricing for WooCommerce.

But you can make your shop more powerful for the wholesalers with the analytics: use Advanced Order Export for WooCommerce to export the report about the wholesalers purchases. How to do it – read in our next articles.

Discounts, coupons and fees in Phone Orders for WooCommerce

Table of Contents

Phone Orders for WooCommerce is a plugin that allows customers to place orders over the phone. The plugin provides various features such as discounts, coupons, and fees to enhance the phone ordering experience. Customers can avail discounts on their purchases by applying coupon codes provided by the store. Additionally, the plugin allows store owners to add fees to orders, such as shipping fees or handling charges. These features make it convenient for customers to place orders over the phone. Moreover, it avails the same benefits and discounts as they would while ordering online.

Let’s look at how to manage discounts, fees and coupons in Phone Orders for WooCommerce.

Note: all settings described below are available only in the pro version.


Discounts are located in Settings>Discount.

To remove the discount option, check the Hide “Add discount” checkbox.

Now there is no Discount field in order creation.

In the Coupon name (used by manual discount) field, enter the default coupon name.

For additional convenience of creating orders, enable the “Allow to edit coupon name” option. This way you can change the coupon name in the order editor.

Set the default discount type (fixed amount or percentage) so you don’t have to spend more time choosing. Check the box next to “Default discount type”.


Coupons are located in Settings>Coupons.

To hide the warning about disabled coupons, simply tick the box provided. This will prevent any notifications from appearing when a coupon is disabled. This feature is useful for users who do not want to be bothered by unnecessary warnings and prefer to manage their coupons independently.

If your business does not have coupons, then check the Hide “Add coupon” option.

The “Show all coupons in autocomplete” option allows you to automate the manual search for coupons and optimize the time spent searching for the desired coupon.


Fees are located in Settings>Fee.

The feature Hide “Add fee” provides greater transparency to customers as they will not be surprised with any unexpected charges.

To specify the default fee name, fill in the “Fee name” field.

The “Fee amount” option helps set the default value for fees.

When it comes to taxes for the fee, you must choose an existing tax class. The “Fee tax class” option allows you to set one of 4 classes: Not taxable, Standard rate, Reduced rate and Zero rate.

Enabling the “Allow to use zero amount” checkbox will give you the ability to use zero fees when carrying out transactions. This function may be useful for small payments or charity donations, where even small transaction fees can cut deeply into the amount of money being donated.

Conclusion on discounts, coupons and fees in Phone Orders for WooCommerce

In conclusion, the use of discounts, coupons, and fees in Phone Orders for WooCommerce can greatly benefit both customers and businesses. By offering discounts and coupons, businesses can attract more customers and increase sales. These incentives can also encourage customer loyalty and repeat purchases. On the other hand, implementing fees for specific services or order types can help businesses cover additional costs or provide premium services. However, it is important for businesses to carefully consider the impact of these discounts, coupons, and fees on their overall profitability and customer satisfaction. By finding the right balance and effectively communicating these offers to customers, businesses can successfully leverage these strategies to drive growth and success in the WooCommerce platform.

Dynamic Pricing and A/B Testing

As a WooCommerce store owner, you’re always looking for ways to improve the customer experience and drive more sales. One effective strategy to achieve this is by implementing dynamic pricing, which allows you to adjust prices based on various factors such as customer behavior, inventory levels, and competitor prices. However, implementing dynamic pricing can be challenging, and it’s essential to test and optimize your pricing strategies to ensure they’re effective.

This is where A/B testing comes into play. By running experiments on your WooCommerce store, you can compare different pricing strategies and determine which ones are most successful at driving sales and revenue. In this article, we’ll explore how to use dynamic pricing and A/B testing to optimize your WooCommerce store’s pricing strategies and enhance the customer experience.

What is A/B testing?

A/B testing, also known as split testing, is a method of comparing two versions of a webpage, app, or other digital product to determine which one performs better. In the context of dynamic pricing and WooCommerce, A/B testing involves creating two versions of a product or service page, each with a different pricing strategy.

In an A/B test, a portion of your website’s visitors (usually 50%) are randomly assigned to view one of the two versions. The goal is to determine which version generates more sales, revenue, or customer satisfaction. By comparing the performance of the two versions, you can identify which pricing strategy is more effective and make data-driven decisions about how to optimize your WooCommerce store.

A/B testing can be used to evaluate various aspects of your pricing strategy.

Dynamic Pricing Strategies for WooCommerce

There are several dynamic pricing strategies you can use to optimize your WooCommerce store’s pricing. Here are a few examples:

  1. Time-based pricing: Adjust prices based on the time of day, week, or year. For example, you might offer discounts during off-peak hours or seasonal sales during the holidays.
  2. Quantity-based pricing: Offer discounts for bulk purchases or tiered pricing based on the quantity of items purchased.
  3. Geo-based pricing: Adjust prices based on the customer’s location. For example, you might offer lower prices to customers in regions with lower average incomes or higher prices to customers in regions with higher demand.
  4. Personalized pricing: Offer customized pricing based on the customer’s purchase history, demographics, or other factors.

Note: You can apply all these strategies in the Advanced Dynamic Pricing for WooCommerce plugin. To learn how to do this, read the article 10 Of The Most Inspiring Advanced Dynamic Pricing Ideas.

A/B Testing Your Dynamic Pricing Strategies

Once you’ve implemented dynamic pricing strategies on your WooCommerce store, it’s essential to test and optimize them to ensure they’re effective. Here’s how to use A/B testing to experiment with different pricing strategies:

  1. Define your hypothesis: Start by defining a hypothesis about how a particular pricing strategy will affect the customer experience and sales. For example, you might hypothesize that offering a 10% discount during off-peak hours will increase customer satisfaction and sales by 20%.
  2. Set up your experiment: Randomly assign customers to one of two groups: the control group (which sees the original pricing strategy) and the experimental group (which sees the new pricing strategy).
  3. Run the experiment: Run the experiment for a predetermined period, such as two weeks or a month. During this time, track the sales and customer satisfaction generated by each group.
  4. Analyze the results: After the experiment is complete, analyze the results to determine which pricing strategy was more effective at enhancing the customer experience and driving sales. Use statistical tests to determine if the difference in sales and customer satisfaction between the two groups is statistically significant.
  5. Implement the winning strategy: If the experimental group generated significantly more sales and customer satisfaction than the control group, implement the winning pricing strategy on your WooCommerce store.

Here is an example of what your rule in the Advanced Dynamic Pricing for WooCommerce plugin might look like. This rule is for Polo, and it activates a 10% discount on weekdays (Monday to Friday) from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. (off-peak hours). There is also a limits section added here to ensure that the discount is used 100 times. All you have to do is upload data on 200 Polo purchases and compare the orders.

Which plugin to use to analyze AB testing results?

When it comes to analyzing A/B testing results in an e-commerce store, there are several WordPress plugins that can help you gain valuable insights and make data-driven decisions. One of the most popular and powerful plugins for this purpose is Advanced Order Export For WooCommerce.

Advanced Order Export For WooCommerce is a comprehensive plugin that allows you to export and analyze your store’s order data in various formats, including CSV, Excel, and XML. With this plugin, you can easily filter and segment your order data based on various criteria, such as product, customer, and order status. This makes it easy to analyze the results of your A/B tests and identify which pricing strategies and website features are most effective at driving sales and revenue.

Once you have exported the order data, you can use a spreadsheet program like Microsoft Excel or Google Sheets to analyze the results. You might create a pivot table that summarizes the total sales and revenue for each pricing strategy, or you might use a chart to visualize the data and identify trends.

You can also use the AB testing calculator — A/B Test Statistical Significance Calculator [Free Excel].


Dynamic pricing and A/B testing are powerful tools for optimizing your WooCommerce store’s pricing strategies and enhancing the customer experience. By experimenting with different pricing strategies and analyzing the results, you can determine which ones are most effective at driving sales and improving customer satisfaction. So don’t be afraid to get creative with your pricing strategies and use A/B testing to unlock the full potential of your WooCommerce store. By doing so, you’ll be well on your way to maximizing your profits and achieving long-term success in the competitive world of e-commerce.

From Clicks to Calls: Using Analytics to Optimize Your WooCommerce Phone Order Process

The success of any online business depends heavily on their ability to capture and convert customers. However, if your WooCommerce store is not optimized for phone orders, you could be missing out on a valuable source of revenue. In this article, we’ll discuss how you can use analytics to optimize your WooCommerce phone order process and turn clicks into calls.

What should you pay attention to in analytics?

Analytics provide valuable insights into customer behavior and website performance, allowing you to identify areas of your website that need improvement in order to boost conversions. Here are a few key analytics metrics to pay attention to when optimizing your site for phone orders:

  1. Bounce Rate

This metric tells you the percentage of visitors that leave your website after viewing only one page. A high bounce rate can indicate that visitors are not finding what they need on your website or that your website is difficult to navigate.

  1. Conversion Rate

This metric shows the percentage of visitors that complete a desired action, such as making a purchase or signing up for a newsletter.

  1. Traffic Sources

This metric tells you where your website’s visitors are coming from. Paying attention to this metric can help you identify which traffic sources are the most effective and where you should focus your marketing efforts.

  1. Customer journey

Analyzing the journey of your customers from their entry on your website to the purchase can help you understand where they’re dropping off and identify any areas of improvement.

  1. Device usage

Monitor the type of devices your customers use to access your website. This can help you optimize your website for different device types and ensure that your pages are optimized for mobile users.

How can you apply the obtained analytics?

Now that you know which of your settings are below or above the recommended level, you want to figure out how to fix them.

If you have a high bounce rate, then make your site clear.

The reason for the lack of calls is often found in the design. If a web page is poorly laid out, then it is unlikely to inspire confidence. It’s even worse when the site does not contain the necessary information: prices, contacts, tariffs and the products themselves. Or all the pages are filled with “water”, and the texts contain grammatical and punctuation errors.

In order to fix this, you need to invite a specialist or edit the site yourself. What to pay attention to and check:

  • Legible font;
  • Site navigation;
  • The telephone numbers are operating normally;
  • The site looks well-maintained, as does its mobile version, the images are of good quality;
  • Contact information;
  • The product offer is competently and clearly designed;
  • All links work correctly;
  • The site doesn’t take too long to load;
  • The content corresponds to the expectations from the advertisement seen.

Thanks to these actions, you can achieve a low bounce rate, but also ensure that the customers reaches the end of the purchasing journey.

If you have a low conversion rate, then set up contextual advertising correctly.

Of course, if you have any. And if so, perhaps you have a situation where you have clicks but no conversions. Why does this happen?

There are two key points: whether the ad itself is well set up and the page to which it leads.

The task of contextual advertising is to “reach out” to representatives of your target audience (potential clients) and show them your advertisement. If your ad attractes them, they will click on it and go to your landing page. Next, they will see your page, which should continue the advertisement that the person clicked on, present the company and its main offer, involve in studying the page, close all key objections, build trust, show the assortment, lead to the main or intermediate conversion.

Does everything seem easy and impossible to make a mistake? But nevertheless, if you relax at the moment of setting up the ad, you will get a completely uninterested audience.

What should you do to avoid this?

First of all, remove non-target key phrases. For example, if you provide any non-free services, then you do not need to include “we will provide the service for free” in your phrases. Another example when a phrase can be understood in a different sense. You may have your own business in the quiz, and if you add “quiz for lady” to your key phrases, then you will face the fact that you will not get conversions, since your phrase is essentially the name of the movie (quiz lady). Users searching for this phrase obviously want to watch a film.

There is also another problem with key phrases – their incorrect grouping. Let’s look at the example of an online store of women’s dresses. Unprocessed queries and all phrases, in particular regarding types of dresses, lead to one page – the main page. When typing “stripe dresses”, the user expects to see only striped dresses. In this case, it was worth dividing the phrases into groups (polka dot dresses, mini dresses, etc.) and defining the corresponding page for each group.

Finally, the last but not least thing you can do is to target the right target audience who will see the ad. Most often, the analytical system attached to your website (age, region, behavior on the site) containes all information on your target audience.

If you have low conversions from mobile devices, then adapt your site.

More than half of Internet users from all over the world view web pages from a mobile phone, so it is important to adapt your landing pages, websites and other resources for the mobile user. This will help you avoid losing this audience due to the fact that it is inconvenient for them to read text or fill out a form.

How to adapt a website for mobile users to provide them with ease of use, registration, leaving an application and not lose in conversion:

  • Simplification of design and content

Get rid of design elements, without which the landing page will not lose its meaning and remain intuitive. Remove all images that take a long time to load, hide some elements under buttons (for example, “Show more”), discard the video embedded in the page (for example, on the first screen).

Make sure that the images you leave on the site match the width of the mobile screen.

In addition, try to compress images using special services – this will reduce their size without significant loss in quality.

  • Vertical scrolling and finger taps only

In order for the user to conveniently use the mobile version of the site, he must be able to do this with 2 simple movements – scrolling up and down and pressing a button.

If the user has to enlarge the text, scroll the page horizontally, or reach with his finger to press a button, he is likely to leave the landing page due to inconvenience of use.

  • One touch call

Instead of a contact button in the corner, it’s better to make it possible for the user to call a phone number on the landing page with one click. At the same time, it is desirable that the phone number also places conveniently, avoiding the extreme corners where it is difficult to reach.

  • Button on the first screen

According to statistics, 53% of sites where it takes more than 3 seconds to search for a button lose potential customers. This is too long. The CTA should be detected within 1-2 seconds. Ideally, the button for performing the target action should be located immediately on the first screen, without the need to scroll, easy to press with your thumb. It should be a contrasting color so that it is immediately noticeable.

  • Short application form

Do not overload the application form, especially in the mobile version. Filling it out is already difficult, and if there are many fields in it, the user will most likely not do it. Limit yourself to 1-2 really important fields.

What else can be optimized?

Optimize your phone order! The simplest way to do this is to use the phone order system. This systems make it easier to manage orders, track customer information, and process payments.

Phone Orders for WooCommerce is a great way to add more convenience to your customers. This plugin allows you to easily manage orders placed via phone. This gives you to quickly process orders from customers who may not have access to a computer, or who would prefer to call to place the order.

Among its main advantages:

  1. Intuitive interface.
  2. Possibility of use as a POS system
  3. Barcode scanner available
  4. Storing customer information
  5. Support composite/bundled/other complex products
  6. and more.

Phone Orders for WooCommerce is easy to set up and use. It takes just a few minutes to get started:

  1. Make sure your store runs on WooCommerce.
  2. Download and activate the plugin.
  3. Read about the order acceptance process.
  4. View our other articles about all the features of this plugin to customize it to the needs of your business.

If you’re a WooCommerce store owner, Phone Orders for WooCommerce is definitely something you should consider.

Finally, we recommend continuing to review your site analytics and monitor current trends in your area. Times change, and so do customer preferences. Your supply must match demand. Work on this and the result will not keep you waiting.

Getting ready for the 4th of July using Algol+ plugins

The 4th of July is a significant holiday that brings a surge of sales to retailers across the United States. As an online store owner, it’s crucial to prepare your WooCommerce store to handle the influx of customers looking for deals and to streamline your operations for the big day. Algol+ plugins offer a suite of tools that can help you optimize your store for this busy time. Let’s explore how plugins like Advanced Dynamic Pricing, Advanced Order Export, and Phone Orders can enhance your store’s performance and customer experience.

Advanced Dynamic Pricing for WooCommerce

The Advanced Dynamic Pricing plugin allows you to set up dynamic pricing rules that automatically apply discounts based on various conditions. For example, you can create a “Buy One, Get One Free” offer for American flags, or offer a 20% discount on all barbecue-related products when a customer’s cart total exceeds $50.


  • Rule: “4th of July BBQ Special”
  • Condition: Cart subtotal (exc. VAT) >= $50
  • Discount: 20% off on selected BBQ products This encourages customers to spend more to reach the threshold for the discount, increasing your average order value.

Phone Orders for WooCommerce

Not all customers are comfortable placing orders online, especially when it comes to last-minute purchases. The Phone Orders plugin enables you to take orders over the phone and manually enter them into your WooCommerce system. This is particularly useful for catering to less tech-savvy customers or handling complex orders that require customization.


  • Customer Call: “I need 20 sparklers delivered by July 3rd.”
  • Manual Entry: Create a new order in WooCommerce with 20 sparklers, set delivery date, and process payment over the phone. By offering a personal touch, you can capture sales that might otherwise be lost.

Advanced Order Export for WooCommerce

The Advanced Order Export plugin is not just a tool for simplifying your fulfillment process; it’s also a powerful instrument for statistical analysis. With its ability to export detailed order information, store owners can track and analyze sales data over time. This can be especially beneficial during the 4th of July sales when you want to understand consumer buying patterns.

For instance, you can export sales data for the week leading up to the 4th of July and use it to identify which products are the most popular, what times of day see the most orders, and which promotions are driving the most sales.


  • Export Data: “4th of July Week Sales”
  • Analyze: Identify peak ordering times, top-selling products, and most effective discounts.
  • Action: Adjust stock levels, staff scheduling, and marketing strategies accordingly.


Preparing your WooCommerce store for the 4th of July doesn’t have to be a daunting task. By utilizing the Algol+ plugins, you can offer enticing deals, streamline your order processing, and provide personalized customer service. These examples illustrate just a few ways you can use these powerful tools to make the most of the holiday rush and ensure your customers have a memorable shopping experience.

Remember, the key to a successful holiday sale is preparation. Start setting up these plugins well in advance to ensure a smooth operation when the 4th of July arrives. Happy selling!

Halloween Sales Analysis

Halloween is in less than a week! I hope you are well prepared for it. If not, then read all about how to properly organize a marketing strategy during this period and get the maximum effect from its analysis.

Most purchased products and popular coupons

It’s no secret that on the eve of the holiday, the following products will be relevant:

  • Costumes. Who doesn’t want to dress up as their favorite hero? Thanks to the Barbie movie, many people will want to become the main character or Ken. A lot of revenue will come from this position.
  • Candies. Giving out candy has become a tradition on Halloween. Almost 70% of people definitely do this. Give customers discounts on buying candy in bulk to attract them.
  • Decor. Home decorating competitions are still a thing. Your competitors have already lowered their prices on terrible things. Do this too.

Create your own themed coupon and see how it affects your shopping habits. With Advanced Dynamic Pricing for WooCommerce plugin, this can be done with the snap of your fingers.

Specify which products will come with a discount, set its amount and come up with a name for the coupon. Find out which coupon names are the most common:

  • SPOOKY15

Activate the coupon, inform your customers about it and wait for the peak of sales!

Why should you choose Advanced Order Export For WooCommerce for export?

Halloween is one of the most popular times of the year for retail stores. With the influx of shoppers and the high demand for costumes and decorations, it is important for store owners to keep track of their sales and analyze the data. Fortunately, Advanced Order Export for WooCommerce makes it easy to track your Halloween sales.

The plugin allows users to export customer data such as order IDs, customer names, billing and shipping addresses, order totals, and more. Additionally, the plugin also exports product data such as product IDs, product names, SKUs, prices, quantities, and discounts. This data can be used to analyze the store’s sales performance and gain insights into the most popular products.

Advanced Order Export for WooCommerce also provides you with a range of features that make it easy to customize your reports. You can choose which fields to include in your reports and even add custom fields that can be used to track specific metrics.

Note: To set up a coupon report, you need to add the following fields – Coupon Code and Discount Amount.

Note: Read our article for a detailed guide on exporting.

Finally, Advanced Order Export for WooCommerce allows store owners to export their sales data to other applications. With this feature, store owners can connect their WooCommerce store to third-party applications such as Google Docs and Dropbox. This allows them to easily view and analyze their sales data in different formats.

By what parameters should you analyze the data?

Halloween is over and you’ve received your sales reports. What to do next? Check whether your marketing hypothesis is confirmed. There are different indicators for this:

  • CTR (Click-through Rate)

CTR shows how accurately an ad responds to a user’s query and how attractive it is to the user.

The higher the CTR, the higher the ad quality score. Increasing ad quality while maintaining the same maximum bid increases the chances of getting a higher position. In other words, ads with a high CTR save money.

CTR = Clicks 100% / Impressions*

  • CPL (Cost per Lead)

A lead is a user who has shown interest in a product or service and sent his contact information (ordered a quote, requested a price list, asked for detailed advice, etc.).

CPL = Contextual Advertising Costs / Leads

  • CPC (Cost per Click)

The cost that an advertiser pays for clicking on an advertisement and then going to the site. CPC helps us evaluate the effectiveness of an advertising campaign and adjust bids. The CPC indicator is influenced by several factors – the ad itself, its quality score (CTR), the region of display, time, competitors showing ads for the same key phrases.

CPC = Advertising Cost / Clicks

  • CPA (Cost per Action)

Cost Per Action is used as an indicator of the cost of attracting one client or performing a targeted action.

CPA includes payment models such as: CPL (Cost Per Lead), CPV (Cost Per Visitor), CPI (Cost Per Install), CPC (Cost Per Click), CPS (Cost Per Sale), CPO (Cost Per Order ) and CPM (Cost Per Mile). This is due to the fact that CPA involves attracting customers with the ability to pay for any user action.

CPA = Advertising Cost / Targeted actions

  • LTV (Lifetime Value)

LTV is an indicator of the profit that a business receives over the entire period of working with a client. Customer Lifetime Value is considered one of the key values in marketing and e-commerce in general. The metric shows how much is spent on attracting, retaining, engaging and how much income the company receives from all this.

LTV = Average bill × Average operating time

  • ROAS (Return on Ad Spend)

It shows how profitable an investment in advertising is and allows you to measure the effectiveness of both an entire campaign and individual ads or a group of them, as well as keywords. Using it, you can determine the degree of payback according to the following principle:

  1. ROAS is less than 100% – the campaign is at a loss;
  2. ROAS is equal to 100% – the advertising paid for itself, but did not bring any profit (it went to zero);
  3. ROAS is more than 100% – the campaign was successful and brought profit.

Employees typically compare these metrics across multiple campaigns to determine the most profitable source. And all this is not calculated for a specific period, but for the entire time that the advertising was active.

ROAS = Advertising Revenue / Advertising Cost × 100

  • ROMI (Return on Marketing Investment)

This metric shows the return on marketing costs: advertising, website, SEO promotion, email campaigns, blog, and so on. ROMI takes into account only marketing costs, and does not include the costs of producing goods, employee salaries, or renting premises.

ROMI = (Marketing Revenue – Marketing Cost) / Marketing Cost × 100

  • ROI (Return on Investment)

The indicator demonstrates how profitable or unprofitable a project or product is.

Investments are a contribution directly to the business, that is, expenses for employee salaries, rent of premises, marketing, purchase of raw materials and materials, purchase of software and services necessary for work.

ROI = (Revenue – Cost) / Cost × 100

It is impossible to determine which of these parameters is best. The choice depends on the level of competition in the niche and the positions you want to occupy. Some indicators are not indicative for analytics in isolation from the context, so they must be calculated together with other metrics.

Testing and analysis the marketing hypothesis

The theory is over. Let’s start practicing!

In the previous paragraphs, we created a coupon in Advanced Dynamic Pricing for WooCommerce and uploaded a sales report using export. What data do we have? From the report we know information about our customer, his/her purchases and coupons. Let’s say our marketing hypothesis was:

“If you give a coupon for subscribing to the newsletter, your income will increase by 20%.”

Let’s take a look at the data from the report:

Order Number Order Total Amount Coupon Name
12345   1302   SPOOKY15  
12346   590   SPOOKY15  
12347   436      
12348   2098      
12349   377   SPOOKY15  
  Total amount: 4803      

Let’s imagine that last Halloween the income was 4000 dollars, then the percentage by which the income increased will be as follows:

(4803 – 4000) / 4000 × 100% = 20%

Our hypothesis is confirmed and income actually increased by 20% thanks to the coupon. But, as stated above, indicators do not work in isolation from each other, so let’s calculate other metrics to find out how effective our marketing hypothesis is.

How do users find out about the subscription coupon? Obviously, a simple ad on your site is not enough to achieve this. That’s why we launched contextual advertising in Google Ads. We also set up a goal in this application – a paid order.

The advertising cost was $200, there are 1000 impressions, there are 20 clicks, and there is 1 targeted visit. Based on this, we calculate CTR, CPC and CPA:

CTR = 20 / 1000 × 100% = 2%

CPC = 200 / 20 = 10

CPA = 200 / 1 = 200

There aren’t many impressions, but the CTR is excellent. 2% is an average value that shows that our advertising is relevant to users.

The CPC is $10, which is quite high for a cost per click. This means that advertising is carried out using popular keywords, where there is a lot of competition. But don’t panic. With the help of advertising, we attracted one client who carried out the targeted action – made an order. We don’t know who it was, but even so we can say with confidence that the advertising paid off and brought us at least $177 (we subtract the CPA value from the cheapest order with a coupon).

Let’s find out how profitable our hypothesis turned out to be.

ROI = (4803 – 200) / 200 × 100% = 2301.5%

Note: For simplicity, we do not include many types of expenses. In real life, you won’t get such a large percentage.

An ROI above zero indicates that the hypothesis is actually profitable. But is it more profitable than last year? In 2022, Halloween revenue was $4,000. Expenses included advertising our store – $50.

ROI = (4000 – 50) / 50× 100% = 7000%

Last year’s ROI is significantly higher than this year’s. However, this does not mean that the current marketing strategy is completely ineffective, since the net profit from it is:

4803 – 200 = 4600

and from the previous one:

4000 – 50 = 3 950

Thus, ROI should not be taken as an indicator of profitability. It only shows whether your investment is paying off. It is only important that its value is positive. As for the effectiveness of the marketing hypothesis, it turned out to be successful. Thanks to advertising, income increased by 20%, and 1000 users learned about our store! If we added other fields to the report, many more hypotheses could be analyzed. The possibilities for customizing reports in Advanced Order Export for WooCommerce are endless.

In this article, we examined in detail the process of analyzing Halloween sales using Advanced Dynamic Pricing for WooCommerce, Advanced Order Export For WooCommerce and various metrics. We wish you high results!